How to cook a beautiful soap at home

How to cook a beautiful soap at home
 Classes soap something like witchcraft, but something in the cooking. From cooking in it full play of fantasy and choice of ingredients, and witchcraft - the exact proportions and recipes like fabulous recipes potions.  

If you do not want to mess with hazardous substances such as lye, which is calculated according to grams washed raw fats, you can just buy a soap base. The basis of this is sold in specialty stores and can be transparent, colored, perfumed. This base should melt in a water bath, add fruit, flowers, clay, coffee, various dyes, sponges, poured into plastic molds and left to ripen.

In the role of forms often serve children molds for sand, culinary molds for cakes and pastries, as well as specially made soap wooden and plastic molds. The result is a wonderfully fanciful soap.

You can even do without the basics - some housewives melted in a water bath certain varieties of baby soap, mix it with color healing clay, dried inflorescences herbs, scrubs and rose petals. Freezing in the whimsical kind of molds, soap takes on an entirely new properties, becoming not only the subject of health, but also an art object.

But the most difficult and honorable occupation is still boiling soap "from scratch" when mylovar first chooses a property soap, hoping composition of fat, then by a special formula saponify fats, these alkali hot or cold way, adding soap drugs (panthenol oil), and then puts the surface of soap with herbs and dried flowers or making divorce clays, or simply pours from above substance scrubs.

The resulting soap has unique properties and often does not even require special packaging, so it is beautiful in itself.

Recently masters-soap-boiler were made from bases soap sponge, filling the narrow natural sponge with soapy mass orange-orange, lemon yellow and apple green.
The resulting soap is cut into circles, and each circle looks like a piece of fruit in the section.

Tags: house, home, conditions, methods, soap