How to remove sagging skin on the hands

How to remove sagging skin on the hands
 With age, the body is the replacement of muscle tissue to fat. Women are not prone to obesity, fat cells rarely formed in the upper body. Nature has that basic stocks lipids are deposited in the abdomen and thighs.
 In the gym focuses on precisely these areas, and usually forget about the hands. For this reason, the triceps brachii, triceps or gradually atrophies. And the skin, tight it remains hanging like a rag used cloth. It looks depressing. the defect is very easy to remove at any age. If triceps atrophied, it is necessary to return them to the place, doing simple exercises.

Stand up straight. Legs slightly apart. Take a dumbbell weighing 3 - 5 kg. With both hands, grasp the neck and lift the dumbbells directly above your head. Now bend your elbows and lower the dumbbell behind your head. This starting position. Slowly unbend his elbows, picking up burdening. Make sure that the elbows are not changed. Arm from shoulder to elbow should be fixed. At the top of pause, and then smoothly return to their original position. To control the position of the hands, do the exercise in front of a mirror.

Sit on the edge of a gymnastic bench. Legs pull straight ahead. Hands lean on the edge of the bench, turning the hands forward. A little post pelvis forward so that it hung in the air, and his hands were straight. Carefully lower the bowl to the floor, bending your arms. When the angle of the elbow will be a direct, pause for two counts and slowly return back. By doing this exercise, make sure to keep your feet from slipping on the floor. If you want to increase the load, not your feet on the floor and on some elevation: step platform, a chair or bench.

Take a position as to stop lying on the floor. Palm put close to each other, the thumbs touching. Pull and tighten the entire body. This must be a straight line from head to heels. Slowly lower your body as low as possible, trying to touch the breasts of sex. At the lowest point pause briefly and return to starting position. This exercise in addition to triceps makes work actively pecs.

Exercises are listed in order of increasing complexity. Choose the one exercise that you like best. Triceps perfectly worked out any of them. Each exercise should be performed in three sets of 12-15 repetitions.

To increase muscle mass, you will need to increase the amount of protein foods. Discard the diet, otherwise your body will not grow out of that muscle fibers.

Additionally, care for the skin of hands. In addition to the application of nourishing creams for dry and sagging skin do for the back surface of the hands massage with a stiff brush. This will not only increase blood circulation in the skin, but also save you from severe muscle pain that occurs when the body builds muscle.

Tags: skin, hand, shoulder, woman, triceps