How to calculate the intensity of physical activity

How to calculate the intensity of physical activity
 Doctors not the first time sounding the alarm: a significant percentage of the population not only in our country but also around the world, eats a lot and very few moves. In other words, the energy intake exceeds energy expenditure. What we are seeing as a result of: energy reserves, which are not consumed, deposited on the thighs, abdomen and buttocks. Of course, beauty is no one adds, but it's not just a beauty. Overweight - an additional burden, which affects the internal organs, especially the cardiovascular system. What should be the intensity of physical activity to burn excess fat accumulation? Read about it in the women's online magazine JustLady.

The energy consumption of the body

The body expends energy to ensure functioning of all organs, metabolism and to perform daily activities of man. As is known, the main source of energy - carbohydrates, extra - proteins that are involved in the work, when the body does not get carbohydrates. Fats - just substitute source of energy, the body stores them "in reserve" in the form of subcutaneous fat. Proper nutrition - is when carbohydrates make up half of the daily diet, the third part - fats, the fifth part - proteins.

What happens at elevatedintensity of physical activity?

Energy consumption during increased physical activity in the first 20-30 minutes of training are provided by carbohydrates. The greater supply of carbohydrates - the greater the period of their decay. When their stock is depleted, the body begins to use fat. From this it is clear that if the purpose of training - weight loss, the exercise must be carried out for a long time - more than an hour. It was then that happensburning calories during exercise. The intensity of physical activity is not always conducive to the expected result. Moreover, too intense exercise can even lead to the opposite effect: carbohydrates are burned too fast, and the person begins to feel hungry. And to burn fat and can not walk, because people quickly out of steam.

How to calculate the intensity of physical activity

Optimal exercise - what is it?

Overweight, smoking, alcohol consumption - all this becomes a cause of cardiovascular and other diseases.Optimal exercise (Ie, dosage) and modern development of medicine refers to the universal and effective methods of prevention of many diseases, especially heart. JustLady advises his readers to accept it would adopt.

And here is how to calculate the optimal for human physical activity? Preferably with this seek medical advice because it is the doctor can correctly make such exercise regime that will fit the best of human diseases, as well as the level of physical development. Basically, if you are under 35 years old, and you do not complain about your health, you can start a regular exercise routine and without the advice of a doctor. But if you have health problems, such as: frequent headaches or dizziness, any chronic disease, shortness of breath, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, the journal JustLady strongly advise you to consult a doctor.

Optimal exercise determined by the inclinations and preferences of the person, as well as its capabilities. It is also important to physical activity was varied, while the body will develop harmoniously. Of course, it is better to choose those activities that you like. This can be jogging, swimming, walking, cycling, jumping, skiing, skating, gymnastics and more. For practical reasons it is better to choose outdoor activities that do not require expensive equipment.

Breathing during exercise

How to breathe during exercise - mouth or nose? At the optimum load man must breathe through the nose, and when the load is increased, it will automatically breathe through the mouth, and this transition is governed by the state in which the circulatory system.

Highest performancebreathing during exercise attained if, as a movement and breathing are interconnected. During the strongest muscle tension need to hold your breath. This is due to the fact that because of the large loads there is a risk of compression of the chest, so you need to hold your breath: inhale a lungful advance, strain the struggling chest, and then relax with a mild groan when you exhale.

Pulse during exercise

To make up for a program with the best exercise you need, first of all, to know exactly the pulse in the normal state. This figure and guided in the calculation of the load. For healthy people, the norm - 60-90 beats per minute.

Now that some sayheart rate during exercise.

This calculation may be as follows: 260 (220 men) subtract the number of your age. Half of the resulting number - this is the minimum for training pulse.Burning calories during exercise will occur only when the heart rate is greater than this figure. "Target heart rate", that is the norm for training, is calculated as follows: 260 (for women) is subtracted the number of age groups, from the result of subtracting the number of conventional pulse from it for 70%, and again added value of the normal rate.

Blood pressure during exercise

Like the pulse,pressure during exercise increases that are well coached vessels and heart muscle. After the workout pressure decreases below normal, and pulse normal. Usually a person then feels sleepy, so after training needed in small amounts to drink juices or herbal teas. Over time, with regular workouts, the body becomes accustomed to the regime.

Do not forget that only regular exercise is really useful for figure and health. Journal JustLady hoped that this article will help readers make an optimal physical activity!

 Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: pressure, age, the load pulse, the intensity