Exercises for the waist and sides

Exercises for the waist and sides
 One of the most problematic areas for women - hips. One has only to relax and let yourself too much (although, as can be more than a cake with sprinkles and cream roses, blooming in the tender, liqueur-soaked sponge cake?) As favorite jeans immediately reduced in size (can be boarded after washing?), And the band at Dress is no longer fastened. It seems that fat on the sides and waist appear from one sight to the goodies from their smell, delivering a lot of unpleasant moments of his owner. What, you ask to keep tightened figure, it is necessary to limit yourself in everything? A women's magazine JustLady Answer: all is not necessary, just watch your diet more carefully, do not overeat. And perform special exercises for the waist and sides to help you make the figure toned and slim.

Exercises for the sidesAs, indeed, for other parts of the body are divided into: stretching exercises, Pilates (stretches and strengthens the muscles), shaping (strengthens muscles), training with dumbbells. We will give some exercises for each type of occupation, and you can choose for themselves resembling. Or to carry out all the complex - this will only increase the effect. But first, JustLady advise you one of the most effective and versatile exercise, and you know very well: training with a hula hoop, or at another sports hoop.

The hoop may be different: simple, with the effect of massage, with the weights. For initial training should not buy too heavy, it will be enough metal hoop. Technique "torsion" is not complicated - so you are likely to remember as you did as a child. Take a hula-hoop with both hands, with the strength unwind, and continues to maintain its rotation, helping stomach. Movement should be rhythmic, but without jerking. Begin training with 2-3 minutes each side, gradually increasing the time. After get your feet wet, replace the metal hoop heavier. And do not forget - runtimeexercises for the waist and sides need to breathe, not holding my breath.
Exercises for the waist and sides

Exercises for the sides - warm up the muscles

The basis of any sports exercises - warm-up muscles before exercise. Room before training, ventilate, you can turn on soft music: rhythmic and relaxed. Fashion should not hamper the movements. And So,exercises to remove the sides: Start with stretching.

1. Stand up straight, hands on his belt. Done slowly tilts in the opposite directions, pulling one arm up. Lean to the left - right hand, tilt to the right - left hand. Perform 6-7 times in each direction.
2. Sit on the floor with one leg stretched out, the other bent at the knee (set for knee straight leg). Arms straight in front of you, slowly turn the body to the side of the bent knee without moving the hips and trying as far as possible to turn around. We fix the position for 20 seconds., Change direction.
3. Lie on the floor, hands-ups in front of the chest. Unbend the hands (hips pressed to the floor), as far as possible try to bend your back - pull your abdominal muscles.
4. Starting position - standing on the floor, feet wider than shoulder width. Slowly bend to the left, bending at the knee left leg. Left hand on the waist, are drawn to the right wall. Change direction, repeat 6-7 times.
5. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart on the set. Arms bent at the elbows pressed to his chest. Rhythmically pivoted alternately left and right, the amplitude of the movement - the maximum. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds.

Exercises for the waist and sides - Pilates

This type of training is perfect for those who do not like to engage in a rapid pace. Pilates workout goes by without jumps and sharp slopes, the emphasis is on stretching and static muscle work, which when properly executed, brings no less good than any classical training.Exercises to clean the sides from the category of Pilates:

1. Stand on the floor with your legs shoulder width apart. The right hand on the waist, left - raised up. Slowly bend the right, as low as possible, the legs do not bend! We fix the situation, remain in it for 1 minute and switch sides.
2. Lie on your back, legs straight, hands behind his head. Raises the body and straight legs off the floor, fix the situation. We try to hold for 30-40 seconds.
3. Sit on the floor with straight legs apart as far as possible. Making the slope through the side of one leg with both hands trying to reach the foot. We fix the position for 40-60 seconds, switch sides.
4. Starting position - lying on its side, with a focus on the one hand (how convenient), the second hand behind the head. Raises both upper body and legs straight (pressed together). The body and legs should be on one line. Linger in the top position for 20-30 seconds. This is particularly effective exercise for the waist and sidesThough heavy.

Exercises for the waist and sides - train the obliques and press

1. Curl. Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind your head in the castle. Raise the upper body, try to reach an elbow to the opposite knee. Perform at a rapid pace, in each direction for 15-20 times.
2. Starting position - lying on its side (emphasis on the one hand, the second - behind the head), legs bent at the knees. The body and hips aligned! At the same time raise the body and leg up, the pace of implementation - fast. Do exercise 20 times, changing direction.
3. Take the dumbbells. Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart put hands - at the bottom. Start doing vigorous slopes alternately on each side, feeling the muscles tense. Perform 20-30 times in each direction.
4. Stand up straight, arms extended upward (with dumbbells). Do side bends, not dropping his hands. Perform 20-30 times in each direction.

Perform theseexercises to remove the sides and extra "zhirok" from the waist, be persistent and diligent. The results will certainly appear if it really want.

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: press, muscle, video, dumbbells, waist, exercise, side, pilates