Abdominal exercises for women

Abdominal exercises for women
 Perhaps all of us girls share one passion - fashion. With bated breath, we will follow the release of fashion collections and carefully studying the trends of the next season. And what a pleasure go shopping, complementing your wardrobe once fashionable things! And behold, there was a pleasant purchase, dressing in front of a mirror in a brand-new jeans and narrow.... And instead of joy and excitement comes a rude awakening when you see in the mirror hanging over the belt of new jeans crease on his stomach. What kind of joy ... One may resent and wonder, "Where did this belly, because I was so thin and slender ?! ». Alas, but the fact remains - even slender girls can not have a very slim tummy. All sweets, biscuits, cakes, chocolates, candy and other pleasures did their dirty work, dashing the dreams of a flat stomach. Of course, you can give up, to mourn and grieve, and you can collect your will and start a fight with the hated deposits. And how do you tell a women's magazine JustLady. 

It is possible that you have a long and hard exercise, pumping the press, but the result is no no. The reasons for this may be several. Firstly, it is very likely that your press hides the layer of fat. The obvious solution - to sit on a reasonable and thoughtful diet. Secondly, it is possible that your muscles are underdeveloped, and therefore you needabdominal exercises for womenThat will help you develop muscle. But here it is necessary to consider some important points. Often women are conducted on advertising, which claims that this one "miracle-simulator" for the week will make you the owner of the press with cubes. Or that there is some magic abdominal exercises for women that will make a flat stomach. In fact it is not, because locally eliminate fat is almost impossible. If possible, it is a very small extent. Example: you have selected some one exercise at a news for women, and every day rock press. Of course, with due diligence after some time the muscles strengthen and waist size will be smaller, but a flat stomach so you will not get. Another thing, if you adhere to a program of aerobic exercise, diet and weight training. Remember also that begin to swing the press at the beginning of training is not necessary - so you immediately weary muscles, and will not be able to work out their normal. 

Whatabdominal exercises for women the most effective? Those trained upper part of the press, for example, twisting, and those that develop the lower part. Therefore, it is important that your training included exercises for the top, and bottom, and oblique abdominal muscles. In the early stages do not chase the number of repeats, it is better to do every exercise in good faith. Do not rock press to exhaustion, or the next day you can not train at all. It is better to do exercises until you feel not strong burning sensation in the abdominal muscles. Do not focus on any particular exercise because the body eventually gets used to it and the good of it will not be enough.

Abdominal exercises for women 1

Exercise is carried out on a fitness ball. Carefully lay down on the ball at waist level. If you find it hard to resist, the legs can slip under some support. Hands holding his head. Begin to perform twisting, then Hold this position for a few seconds, return to starting position. Note that the amplitude of the motion should be small. This exercise is working the upper part of the press.

Abdominal exercises for women 2

It seems that exercise is very simple, but untrained people it is difficult for. Lie on the floor, hands behind your head and pull straight. Exercise is to simultaneously raise the shoulders and legs, with his hands leave the straightened fingers drag to socks. This is a very effective exercise that is working well and the upper and lower abs.

Abdominal exercises for women 3

Lie on the floor, hands raskinte in hand, palms resting on the floor. Legs slightly bent at the knees, slowly move them first to the right and then to the left. Try to do hard exercise, controlling every move. This exercise is to work out the obliques.

Abdominal exercises for women 4

Lie on your back, pull your hands behind your head. Exhale, drawing the belly, slowly lift the body, do forward bend, do not change the position of the hands, chin, do not immerse. Returning to the starting position, inhale and tighten your abdominal muscles.

Abdominal exercises for women 5

Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms in front of him. Hands and feet, lifting from the floor. Raise and lower the opposite leg and arm, as if you are floating. The amplitude of the movement - 5-10 cm, raising the leg and arm, detaining them in this position for 5 seconds. Note that when the legs and arms do not fall to the floor.

Abdominal exercises for women 6

Lie on the floor, bend your knees so that the shins parallel to the floor, his hands holding his head. Slowly lift your head and shoulders off the floor, left knee touching the right elbow. In this exercise, you can make a mistake, if the strain the neck, and then you will not train your abdominal muscles and neck. Therefore, make sure to work only the abdominal muscles.

If you wish, you can train your abdominal muscles even at work. Exercise is known to all: exhale slowly retract the stomach on a breath to relax. Takes such a hidden gym only 5-10 minutes a day, but the result of it is excellent.

Remember the basic rule: to become the happy owner of a flat stomach, you need to develop a program consisting not only of the exercises to work through the press, but also aerobic exercises, exercises to strengthen the muscles, proper nutrition. Each of us has the opportunity to make your body more beautiful - all just in our hands!

Alice Terentyeva

Tags: press, abdomen, journal, exercise, side