Women's Fragrances: basic mistakes

Women's Fragrances: basic mistakes
 Women's Fragrances - a business card of a true lady. This is no less important accessory than handbag, stockings, shoes and scarf. Perfume - also true weapon of seduction. However, there are a few "but" stepping over that you run the risk of a serious error in the selection and use of spirits.
 Going to a perfume shop in search of a suitable flavor, do not aspire to one day capture the immensity. Choosing your favorite perfume, if you have not decided on the smell, to be thoughtful, slow, deliberate.

Should not be acquainted with the flavor, bringing to face the whole bottle. In the nose hit a pair of alcohol, and the smell seem either too harsh or your sense of smell for a while does no longer work. Sometimes fussy sellers give the buyer the cover of perfume. So too it is impossible. Take 5-7 "blotter" - thick paper strips for the sample. If the perfume department does not offer test strips, safely head for the exit. After the "removal of samples" can take "blotters" with him and later heard the whole gamut of flavor, make a choice.

Do not rush in one visit to the store to try all the spirits. Your nose for 3-4 product simply refuse to take the next odors. If the shop cares about the customer, the bottles on the shelves you will find among the cups with coffee beans. Raised them to his nose, you will restore your sense of smell and can continue selecting flavor.

Before you give money for the perfume which you came, put a drop of perfume on the skin of the wrist. Haste can only do harm. Aroma reveals some time mingling with your natural smell. After 3-4 hours you'll understand if you want to smell that way or you do not have these spirits "to face."

Do not mix perfume for yourself. If you are the owner of several beautiful perfume, remember the rule: on the skin in one day should be applied to only one kind of spirits. When mixing (behind the ear - a fragrance on your wrist - the other, on the hair - the third), you may get an unexpected and rather sharp cocktail, from which, as from strong alcohol can head ache.

The same applies to hygienic procedures. Morning take a shower without aromatic gels (maximum baby soap). Underarm deodorant better handle odorless. Cream for face and body also must not have fragrances. Only if your favorite perfume take on a momentum desired effect.

Tags: the spirit of error, the choice of fragrance, perfume, shopping, woman