First you need to decide why you need a man in the shop, can you do without it? A positive answer would reduce the probability of negative emotions towards each other. If you have decided that you will be without a man less comfortable, try to understand the possible hazards when sharing shopping.
Reasons for coming to a store can be a lot of women: relax, tune into a serious conversation, to meet with a friend, to get the necessary purchase. The reason for the arrival of a man in a shop - buy. And very concretely in many details that will not allow the buyer to confuse it with something else.
If desired things was not in the store, the man - will go to the other. Woman, not losing hope will look for a replacement, transforming the image of the desired purchase of winter boots in the summer blouse. Watching this kind of transformation, a rare man will silently watch what is happening. The situation may be complicated if a woman asks her companion to assess new thing.
There is a category of goods that were originally defined as "male" and "female". Wisdom does not allow women to criticize a man for incompetence in the selection of cosmetics or perfumes. In no case do not try to pretend that you are better versed in household appliances, computers and auto parts. All this can also be a source of conflict.
The most dangerous when sharing and shopping in a difference in performance - how much money can be spent per visit store. For a man, the answer depends on the price of necessary goods. A woman can spend all that is, and experience with the maximum satisfaction. This discrepancy may also provoke mutual resentment and misunderstanding.