Rule 1. Prepare for the event very seriously. Write a list of really necessary purchases. Examination well. Buying thing you need to know exactly what you'll wear it. Ask your friends and acquaintances accumulative discount cards. Discount things never hurts.
Rule 2: Going shopping, wear comfortable clothing and low-heeled shoes. Clothing should be removed and fastened. It is easier for you to process infinite fitting. Low heel will provide many hours of easy shopping trip. Underwear should be neutral flesh-colored to fit any clothes.
Rule 3. Do not try to buy the new-fangled things. Enough to identify themselves fashion trends and estimate for yourself what you will do. You need to know exactly which model you go and emphasize your strengths while hiding imperfections.
Rule 4. Do not take a lot of girlfriends. Just one trusted advisor and truthful. But do not forget that your opinion the most important thing. Wearing a new thing for you.
Rule 5. Do not buy things for the future. For example, if you lose weight or get better. This may not happen. New things should be strictly in your size.
Rule 6. It is better to buy one thing good quality than a few cheap. Expensive thing will delight you with a few seasons, and cheap, you may have to throw away after the first wash. Do not forget about seasonal sales. It will save you plenty of money.
Rule 7. Do not buy a thing just because a few hours you have not picked up anything yourself. This will save you from frustration. Better to move on shopping next time.