It is very difficult to find a suitable ring in a jewelry store, and the price on the most notable products sometimes very overpriced. And because there is no reason to be afraid of jewelry, it often turns out to be much finer and more appropriate than jewels. Diamonds and topaz enormous size is best reserved for special events and parties, as a large ring to be monotonous and stylized any material, and only then it is suitable for everyday wear.
2. Colors and Designs
Choose bright colors, do not be afraid to seem funny or amusing - sincere feelings will always be in fashion. Black and gold shiny colors are difficult for perception, because sometimes it is necessary to diversify the image. For a light summer dress may well come a ring of yellow or green. And even if you go for some serious action, you might like vintage jewelry - they attract the eye with their ornate designs and bright ornaments. These accessories help you create a sublime and seductive image.
3. Case
Pick the size and pattern of rings on the basis of the occasion on which you'll wear it. Engagement ring should be small and neat - it must mean purity and chastity. After the wedding, it puts a wedding ring on which there should be no special decorations, otherwise it will interfere with the constant wear. If you choose accessory for a social event, it is best to choose a product larger, with a rich finish and large stones.
4. Personal characteristics
Not every ring will come to hand. If you plump and short fingers, avoid rounded, convex and massive jewelry, and is better to opt for a small product with an asymmetrical pattern and elongated shape. If your hands are not very feminine, large joints and square brush, it is better to choose the larger ring that will help divert all attention to himself. If you make the right choice, the decoration will give you more feminine and will please not only you but also others.