How to choose a perfume

How to choose a perfume
 Perfume reflect women's individuality, reveal her character, create a special mood. This "invisible weapons", according to the French, is one of the most important components of an image. But the search for "their" flavor for many women sometimes delayed for years.
 The main conditions that must be followed in the selection of spirits: calm, there is sufficient time and the absence of foreign odors.

Refrain from using perfume before going directly to choose a new perfume. Trying different scents, perfumes better to put on a special paper strip, as well as on the wrist, without rubbing them after application, since this substance damaged molecules and odor changes. Do not rely on first impression - not too lazy to take a strip with a fragrant and smell to track changes throughout the day. It is possible with the passage of time he no longer seem so attractive to you. In addition, in one shopping should not "try" to three flavors. Do not choose a perfume in the critical days - noted that the sense of smell in this period varies greatly.

Perfumers believe that a woman needs to have three different flavors for different occasions: for work, parties and romantic evening.

I believe that every hair color fit different smells. Brunettes are advised to choose the scents of jasmine, lily, white lilac, narcissus and tuberose. Blondes suitable compositions containing notes of lavender, bergamot, violet and freesia. Ginger should prefer perfumes that combine brightness, and strength, and the brown-haired - floral perfume with notes of acacia and honeysuckle.

Strong and ambitious women are suitable vivid and memorable flavors reminiscent of men. Sexy sultry beauty choose astringent oriental perfume, a romantic and gentle nature - fresh, floral and fruity scents.

At different times of the year will also be relevant different smells. Winter spirits with trees and honey notes, giving a feeling of inner heat. In the summer will be good sweet floral aromas reminiscent of blossoming flowers.

Additional sources:

  • How to choose a perfume
 Author: Maria Pimenov

Tags: spirit