How to find your flavor

How to find your flavor
 Perfume compositions are not intended to "score" the individual human odors, but rather, to clothe them in a "thin rim", like a precious gem. Aromas revive and give strength to his particular holder or owner.
 The man has his own unique smell. So wisely arranged by nature that it affects others and attract the opposite sex. But sometimes for cosmetic fragrances, eau de toilette or perfume it is impossible to feel.

Combined with the power of the person flavors that excite and excite, entice and captivate you, then give peace and tranquility. On how exactly you will choose for themselves flavor depends not only health, but also social circle, as well as the ratio of people to you, as the smell strongly influences the subconscious.

How can guess it among all "your" scent that emphasizes appearance and inner beauty of your personality? How to choose a scent that he liked you and your man?

When choosing a perfume you can not focus on fashion, advertising, or advice of a friend. This is an individual and intimate enough time-consuming procedure. To avoid mistakes, you should be balanced, to be in a relaxed environment. Make the choice would be easier if the room is not extraneous odors.

Well-chosen fragrance can be compared with the ideal dress sitting. By the way, the French do not say nothing, "wearing perfume." They merge with the appearance, emphasize your point.

Many women prefer spirits with classic floral notes. Their range is quite diverse. They can be fresh and sweet, and pure flower and with the addition of fruit shades.

Not less popular oriental flavors. The merger of the smell of tar, vanilla, musk, sandalwood and patchouli and generates interesting and original compositions with bright vegetable note, exotic and exciting.

Third place you can take woody fragrance with the addition of light citrus notes. It is very unobtrusive and "soft" pleasant smells.

The latter group includes fresh, light fragrances that use plants, flowers, citrus fruits, various combinations of refreshing spices, etc.

Perfume, perfume making, brings together all the components into a single unit, subject to the laws of harmony and unity. In professional language, this means three-note harmony of flavors: the head or surface notes - first impressions; Heart notes - disclosure of flavor; and finally, the basics, which is a loop, the smell of depth, which remains in memory.

When choosing a perfume stop for 2-3 variants. AEON test paper strip, give manifest flavor, do not buy perfume or scented water immediately. Arriving home, you discover how your chosen fragrance counters, catch all its shades. It may happen that you do not like the smell of the foundation.

If you pick up a scent is true, you do not want to change it to change the time of day or the change of seasons. Depending on the situation will only need to take into account its concentration. For evening more suitable perfume, whereas during the day we can restrict toilet water.

Over time, you will begin to understand their spirits, and possibly add to them more citrus notes or exotic fragrance.

Tags: fragrance, perfume