Good shoes: 10 Rules ideal purchase

Good shoes: 10 Rules ideal purchase
 Purchase new shoes - a pleasant event. But it is very difficult sometimes to find exactly what you like, the right size and quality. Buying a beautiful, comfortable and quality footwear - is a great success.
 What to look for when picking up his new shoes or boots? Here are some tips following which you will be able to make a successful purchase.

1. Do not go buy myself a new pair of shoes in the morning, because in the evening it can be very close to you. By the end of the day is usually swollen legs.

2. Pick up the shoe size just by foot. Shoes should be well strap a foot, but do not squeeze it. Close the model lead to many health problems legs. Should not be selected as too loose shoes. If the shoe on the foot "hang out", there may be corn, besides the leg muscles will be constantly on their toes to keep, for example, to fly a shoe.

3. This shoes - is the one that is sewn from natural materials. It gives the skin the feet to breathe, does not prevent the natural heat exchange. Genuine leather in his hands once warmer and artificial remains cold. This skin quickly absorbs moisture and becomes darker when wet. Artificial leather - the worst option for shoes. It creates a greenhouse effect. In winter, it's cold in the summer - very hot. Cold artificial leather "dubeet" often crack at bends. Fake skin also keeps bad shape of the shoe.

4. Pay attention to the material from which made insole. Is considered a good one that absorbs odors, removes moisture and destroys bacteria. In quality shoe insoles even saturate special antibacterial agents.

5. The sole good shoes should be comfortable and plastic. To test it, try to bend the hands of shoes. The sole should bend freely, and wherein the shoe upper should not greatly deformed.

6. Heel is of great importance in the comfort footwear. For everyday models to choose small and stable heel, as the constant wearing high heel shoes is fraught with health problems.

7. When choosing shoes, avoid models with a pointed toe. These shoes compresses the fingers, shifting them to each other. Fingers are deformed, calluses formed and bumps. Burden shifts to the bone middle fingers, so may appear flat cross, and on the soles - corns.

8. Pay attention to packaging. In the qualitative goods and packing, there is usually a book in which the producer tells you how to take care of the shoes.

9. The manufacturer, of course, is important. It is important, on whose technology made shoes shoes and who the developer.

10. Finally, the smell - quality shoes never smells technical rubber or glue.

Tags: shop, shoes, shopping