Art smelling perfume

Art smelling perfume
 Coco Chanel's mouth the following words: "Drizzle spirits primarily where crave to get a kiss." Add to this can be quite a bit: perfume where large blood vessels are closest to the skin surface. This wrist, cleavage, and the area behind the ears. And the spirits of shimmering sparkle of delicate flavors.
 Has its own secrets and other celebrities. So, Estee Lauder recommends drip exquisite perfume on the part of the body, which is in the maximum movement - is the inner surface of the elbow, knee, hand, wrist. Many peoples of Polynesia and Africa have always applied aromatic oils to the hair, and many of our mothers and grandmothers wore in his bosom a ball of cloth or cotton wool soaked in spirits.

Spray perfume, unlike conventional, can be applied not only to the skin, but also on the clothes, but it should be done from a distance of at least 10 cm. Keep in mind that natural silk, cotton, linen, wool smell will stay much longer than in vitro, and even more so in synthetic fabrics. The same Estee Lauder advises do not spray perfume directly onto your clothing or skin, and scatter them in the air and step into this fragrant cloud.

A couple more tips. If you lightly sprinkle night pillow favorite perfume, then fall asleep quickly and soundly. Apply a bit of perfume on the lights, only do it with the non-inclusion of the lamp and wait until they are completely dry, or at least that you face - it's the broken lamp. Empty bottle in a coffer, which houses the laundry, and when you wash this linen - add a drop of water in the last rinse. Then you will be fragrant, from the lower layers of clothing. And if you still write letters - moisten the corner of his letter, spirits, and the reader feel your presence, even if you are not around.

 Author: Alexander Garankin

Tags: spirit, art