In the teen comedy "Holiday in the Sun" (2001) episode thriller "Bad Boys 2" (2003) and in the series "2, 5 person", where Megan Fox appeared in 2004, you can still see it the same. We can not say that in his youth she was ugly. On the contrary, she was very pretty with plump lips, arched eyebrows and a mop of hair. Its only disadvantage is youthful freckles on which so easy to get rid of. However, the actress went on.
Earning decent money first, Megan Fox began for his appearance. In 2005, she had increased fullness of the lips, made a neat nose, giving it a refined ideal shape. Considering the standard of beauty Angelina Jolie, she subconsciously tried to be like her.
After some time in the face of Megan took even more drastic changes. In 2007, she changed the shape of the cheeks and eyelids pulled. Also, seeing yourself on the screen in the first "Transformers", she remained extremely dissatisfied with their figure. Then the actress has increased and chest.
However, this Megan Fox was not enough. Fans are not surprised, watching from photo to photo obvious changes. At the premiere of the film "John Hex" with its participation actress appeared with a beautiful doll, unnatural face. She looked like a wax figure from Madame Tussauds, but not a real person. More plump lips, implants in the cheeks and chin. In the leaked rumors that she pricked Botox in her 25 years at all inconceivable.
Denying the use of Botox, Megan Fox alone took some photos on a mobile phone and posted on the Web. They diligently beauty frowns and contorts surprised faces. Wrinkles on the forehead while actually appear, but they are absolutely not observed around the eyes and on the side of the mouth. These so-called wrinkles at this age are already appearing. So it was botox or not, it remained unclear.
In 2011, Megan Fox became a married lady, and the following has announced the anticipation of the baby. Based on forecasts of doctors, it will be a girl. Perhaps it will cause birth actress reconsider its attitude towards appearance and slow down.