Star-mnogostanochnik: singers, actors, models, athletes in one package

Star-mnogostanochnik: singers, actors, models, athletes in one package
 They say that a gifted person is talented in everything. For whatever he undertook, all he gets. Art history is replete with examples where the great composer wrote beautiful poetry, the scientist becomes an artist, and actor - writer. And even in this age of specialization are people who were able to manifest themselves in several areas of creativity.
 Early last century, the actor was not only able to create an image of the hero, but also to sing and dance. Take, for example, the great Charlie Chaplin, who was also an actor, and screenwriter, director and composer, who wrote amazing melodies to his films. To about 60s mix "in one bottle" singer, dancer and actor was normal. Suffice it to recall the names of Lyubov Orlova, Marlene Dietrich, Marika Recco Kalman Latabara and many others. Films involving them entered the golden fund of world cinema, concerts and performances collected notices and record expenses for a few months.

In the second half of the last century versatility is perceived more as an exception. But then there were the stars of world level, which it was impossible to say what for them is a leader. Movies with Rafael saw almost all of Europe, and he always considered and considers himself first and foremost a singer. By the way, this legendary Spaniard found himself on television, becoming the leading one of the most popular programs in Spanish culture.

In the 60 years in Paris with great success concerts were wonderful Chilean singer Violeta Parra. At the same time and held an exhibition of her paintings. Violeta was considered the songwriter left direction, so the ruling classes of its own country it is not much to complain. But she wrote many beautiful songs and became a true star of the genre. And for her paintings and ceramics best museums in the world and the owners of private collections are willing to pay money stunning.

At the beginning of the XXI century, too, have a star-rounders. Oddly enough, but the situation in the modern world, like requiring specialization, at the same time encourages people to express themselves in a variety of areas. Fashion changes very quickly, and what a talented man has been successful, it does not guarantee stability in the future. We need to find something else. One of the most striking examples of star-wagon - Jennifer Lopez. Singer and actress, but at the same time and a successful business woman, created his own fashion brand.

Career actress gradually begins to Shakira - one of the most popular Latin American singers. The fact that she is going to play an Indian goddess in a new 3D-film, became known for a long time.

Often "change role" seek and athletes. Julio Iglesias started out as a footballer and a long time combined the favorite sport with performances on stage. Footballer once was and one of the greatest opera singers - Zurab Sotkilava, who began play in the Soviet time in Tbilisi "Dinamo", and then became a soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre.

Outstanding Hong Kong and American actor Jackie Chan in Hong Kong began as a master of martial arts. He first starred in the movie as a stuntman. However, it turned out that he has considerable acting talent. His cinematic career was dizzy, and during the years of his work in the movie, he was able to prove himself as a director, and screenwriter.

One of the most prominent actors of the modern Russian cinema - Nikolai Valuev. His career he began as a track and field athlete and basketball player, then decided to take up boxing - and in this kind of reached the top. But now we often see in the movie than in the ring, and he plays not only in action movies. By the way, his work in film Nikolai successfully combined with social activities. He was elected to the State Duma, being able to express themselves and as a politician.

Tags: star, model, actor, athlete, singer, touring, bottle, mnogostanochnik