Casual Frenchwomen

Casual Frenchwomen
 France is considered the center of world fashion and design shows. But casual, especially in women, is special. Frenchwoman can not be ignored, despite the absolute lack of demonstrative and screaming parts.

The main thing in the French style - is simplicity. Nothing extra, clothing emphasizes female beauty, and not a decoration itself. Frequently used shades of gray, black and white. Found mostly monochromatic clothing. However, it does not create the feeling of boredom. The fact that particular attention is paid to the French style, it should create a beautiful silhouette. Classic clothes prefer trendy outfits.

Accessories loved in France - they are an integral part of the image. However, at the same time, they should not be much - a two-stroke accurate.

French also appreciate comfort. Therefore, their style involves high-quality clothing made from natural fabrics are durable.

As for cosmetics, it may seem that the French do not use it. This is not the case, it's just expensive cosmetics deposited in small quantities, so that others think that person is perfect in itself. Indeed, to call it by the word "make up" difficult. Like clothing, French women prefer to show their natural beauty instead of something to put on it, or something to paint it.

Single moment - their harmony. Eating habits in France are such that almost all the girls have a slender figure. Undoubtedly, healthy food is not less clothes allows a woman to be beautiful. Daily vegetable salads as side dishes, sandwiches and snacks lack of frequent tea with scones, not only does not allow to grow fat, but also improves skin condition that is known to be - half of beauty.

Individually, each piece wardrobe French woman can not make any impression. But it is necessary to add there Frenchwoman itself, and it becomes clear that all of her clothes is something of a precious stone.

Tags: clothes, style, French