Why kefir diet so effective?

 Using kefir diet helps lose unwanted pounds, but will also benefit the cardiovascular system. Women's magazine JustLady, about kefir diet, its effectiveness and some features    

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Scientists claim that the ideal diet, and there can not be. For one person a cup of coffee and a piece of beef, eaten throughout the day can actually be favorable, and another - no.

Moreover, the diet can often spoil the natural metabolism and cause illness. Diets that promise to make you beautiful and elegant for a fantastically short time, fraught with not only a rapid recovery of body weight, but even the loss of health.

Is not it better to go the other way and choose a modest and useful diet slow weight loss?

Such a diet is kefir diet. This is - a miracle cure, which helped to lose weight a significant number of people without much effort and hard limits in food. But in addition to the effect of weight loss regular use of kefir also promotes good health, getting rid of ailments, which in turn often cause obesity.

And if you decide to use this diet in order to lose weight, then it is likely to get rid of the pain in the stomach, and colic in the liver.

First of all, we note that the yogurt helps to improve metabolism and rapid removal of toxins that have accumulated metabolic products from the body. Kefir improves and facilitates the function of many organs.

Due to the low amount of carbohydrates in it and a small content perfectly digestible fats excess weight does not increase, but on the contrary, is significantly reduced. With frequent use of kefir removed from the body fluid and sodium.

Sodium and simply - salt, as is known, water retention, and this causes swelling. A yogurt - weak diuretic, since it contains a considerable amount of potassium, which drives the well fluid and sodium from the body itself, preventing swelling.

Kefir, improving microflora through it contains lactic acid bacteria, establishes the function of the gastrointestinal tract, cures constipation and other ailments. All this contributes to the well-being and prevents complete.

Using kefir diet helps lose unwanted pounds, but will also benefit the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys. Kefir will act favorably on the metabolism and the psyche, giving vitality and improving memory.

 Thus, it is safe to say that if you become a regular consume yogurt, then many of your problems, whether overweight or some other health problems disappear. So, try on health! You will understand that this is a very enjoyable way to lose weight and get healthier. Also do not need some incredible material costs that you will agree, is important.

Kefir diet cleanse the body of toxins, solve the problem of excess weight and will help you understand the benefit of a balanced diet ..

It is known that in 70-80% of cases completeness linked to inadequate nutrition. People get fat because of the fact that so much and consume such food, caloric energy consumption exceeds the body.

They take too much digestible carbohydrates, which in turn transform into fat metabolism and disrupt aside fat accumulation. Kefir also contains a small amount of carbohydrates is scanty, it small caloric and lots of other benefits, preventing the coming fullness.

So, we list the dignity of kefir diet: low calorie, low carbohydrate, low in fat and a good digestibility and prevents swelling and displays the excess fluid from the body, good digestibility of protein yogurt, prevention of constipation, improved metabolism, normalization of intestinal microflora, prevention of stress and bad mood.

Tags: diet