Therapeutic diets for bowel

Therapeutic diets for bowel
 One of the basic principles of clinical nutrition is the correct construction of the diet. It is necessary to take into account the individual intolerance of individual products, stage of disease, clinical manifestations. Any diet should always be coordinated with the attending physician.
 Carbohydrate food

Food, on the effects on the intestine, divided into delayed and promote emptying. Carbohydrate nutrition enhances fermentation processes. In cases where the primary symptom is constipation, recommend products that promote bowel movement. These include poultry and fish peels, sinewy meat. Foods rich in plant fiber - bread from flour of low grades and bran, berries, fruits and vegetables. Also recommended for eating food containing fat - fatty fish and meat, vegetable oils. Products enriched with organic acids - kvass, yogurt, kefir, whey. Sweet food - jam, honey, sugar. Salty foods - mineral water, caviar, herring.

In many congenital and acquired diseases of the bowel, there is idiosyncrasy of some products. So, when there is insufficient generation or absence of the enzyme that breaks down gluten (gluten) cereal can develop enteropathy. Thus, the intestinal mucosa has toxic effects. With the lack of production of the enzyme lactose intolerance often detected unleavened milk.

Forming therapeutic diet, depending on the nature and severity of the disease, usually uses a standard diet. Its basis is an increased amount of power to the protein.


Eliminate from your diet foods that increase intestinal motility. This group includes fruits and vegetables in their raw form, spices, milk neat buns. Cook food for a couple. Try not to eat cereals (barley, oatmeal, oatmeal, oats, wheat, rye).

Include in your diet foods rich in fiber: carrots, potatoes, squash, pumpkin, cauliflower.

Therapeutic diet eliminates metabolic disorders in the body, improves the regenerative processes.

Tags: intestine, diet, food, diet, disease Useful