The French diet - benefit or harm?

 Developer diet French nutritionist Catherine Gursak. How to convince its developer, the excess fat using diet, disappears from the abdomen, thighs, waist, forearms. Its composition is low-calorie diet (less than 1200 kcal per day), based on the principle of separate power supply.

Under the heading Diet: Harmful vegetarianism

Duration diet for 7 days. Roughly one can lose weight by 3-4 pounds.

Breakfast: boiled egg (or a slice of lean ham), fruit yogurt, tea (coffee) with sweetener.
Lunch: Vegetable salad (tomato, cucumber, lettuce, green onions, parsley), seasoned with vegetable oil and lemon juice, stewed beets with carrots and prunes, apple juice.
Dinner: Boiled chicken meat (100 g), a slice of cheese (50 g), a glass of low-fat yogurt

Breakfast: Orange, 2 slices of bread with tea.
Lunch: Salad of boiled shrimps (100 g), mayonnaise and sprinkled with dill, boiled veal (80 100 g) or beef; yogurt without filler.
Dinner: Boiled cauliflower (150 g) with soy sauce; jacket potato, a piece of black bread, tea with sweetener.

Breakfast: A slice of lean ham, half a pack of fat-free yogurt, tea (coffee) with sweetener.
Lunch: salad of boiled shampinonov- (100 g), dressed with olive oil, lemon juice and sprinkle with green onions, boiled potato with stewed cabbage; 2 kiwi.
Dinner: Baked fish (100 g); yogurt without filler, a glass of low-fat yogurt.

Breakfast: 25 g of muesli with tomato juice, banana, coffee with sweetener.
Lunch: Hard-boiled egg; fried with onions perch fillets (100g).
Dinner: Salad of fresh vegetables, seasoned with vegetable oil, baked beans with parsley, boiled potatoes, bread and bran; tea with sweetener.

Breakfast: Yogurt without filler, the egg in the "bag", tea with sweetener.
Dinner: Boiled beet (100g), seasoned with olive oil, boiled rice (100 g) with soy sauce or ketchup, tomato juice.
Dinner: Low-fat cottage cheese (100 g), a slice of cheese (50 g), yogurt without filler; glass of warm milk.

Breakfast: 25g cornflakes with milk, yogurt without filler, coffee with sweetener.
Lunch: Hard-boiled egg; stewed beef liver (150 g); yogurt without filler.
Dinner: Salad of red cabbage, seasoned with olive oil and sprinkle with parsley, bread with bran, 2 kiwi; tea with sweetener.

Breakfast: Hard-boiled egg, a slice of cheese (100 g), tea (coffee) with sweetener.
Lunch: Salad of fresh cabbage and carrots, seasoned with vegetation nym oil and lemon juice, fried mushrooms (100 g) with boiled rice (100g), orange juice ..
Dinner: Crab sticks (50 g), poured with lemon juice; stewed beef liver (150 g); glass of warm milk.

To satisfy your hunger and avoid heavy snacks, drink a glass of any juice, warm herbal tea, chicken, meat, fish or vegetable broth.

Harm from diets built on the principle of separate power supply:

1) Up to this time there is no full agreement between the adherents of the principle of separate food and scholars who did not want him to admit as evidence-based method.

2) The statement that the separation of power prevents the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestine, easily refuted by scientists.

3) It has long been scientifically established that the components contained in a single form of products, promote the absorption of substances contained in other products. Because of this food is digested in the intestines faster and does not stay there for long. When the meat is used separately from vegetables or bread, meat protein is absorbed poorly, because these foods stimulate the secretion of digestive juices of the pancreas that helps the digestion of proteins in the intestine. In the separation of these products in the intestine will accumulate undigested remnants of food, causing putrefaction and fermentation.

4) Dairy amino acids and plant foods (including bread and Numbers le porridge) perfectly complement each other while eating. Thus, they significantly increase the nutritional value of the diet.

Author: Anatoly Pashustin

Tags: diet, the benefits, harms