Spring diet for a person

 With the arrival of spring change our dietary preferences: we eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, drink less hot drinks. Interesting, but any change in diet affect the condition of the skin. And, as for the better, and not so.

Oily skin. With the onset of warm days the activity of the sebaceous glands increases: in the T-zone appears shine and black points (comedones) are now visible and others.

Although a direct relationship between the formation of comedones and diet were observed, such a possibility exists. Fortunately, the spring diet is good for oily skin.

So, fresh leafy vegetables, cabbage, greens, onions and lettuce beneficial effect on oily skin, do not provoke the production of fat, but rather hinder it. Useful and fresh fruit (except bananas): apples, pears, plums.

Have shown that vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and B6 (pyridoxine), neutralize toxins, help to maintain the freshness and purity of the skin. To enrich the diet should eat more eggs, lean beef, legumes (soy, lentils, beans), carrots, tomatoes, apricots and dried fruits.

In order to keep the appearance of white noninflammatory elements (milia), you must give up too greasy food, cook less fried. For oily skin, perfect dishes, steamed, and different quenching.

Dry skin Although the heaviest blizzards during the winter is over, spring dry skin also brings trouble, especially if the dryness caused by an unbalanced diet. To maintain hydration of the skin utilizes polyunsaturated fatty acid (linoleic, gamma-linolenic acid, oleic acid, etc.).

They are called essential. This is due to the fact that these fatty acids are not produced by the body, but only received food. The disadvantage of the products supplying us fatty acids may lead to considerable trouble to face.

The main sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids - vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, soybean, corn). Spring - a fertile time for the introduction of oil in your daily diet: you can prepare salads, radishes, fresh greens, lettuce and fill their unrefined oil.

To maintain lipid balance of the skin enough to eat 1 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil per day. It is also useful to eat 50-70 grams of fatty fish (this trout, mackerel, herring, salmon). However, smoked or salted fish is irrelevant here, it can cause skin sensitization, but boiled fish or steamed will provide the body with essential oils. If you have dry skin should also avoid hot sauces, marinades: spices can cause irritation on his face.

Sensitive skin Spring is usually lowered immunity, so we become victims of colds. But man is not only the internal immunity. The fact that the surface of the skin contain a large number of beneficial bacteria: they fight off viruses and pathogens, resist irritation, inflammation, herpes.

To support this local immunity, you must enter into the diet as much vitamin C (rosehip, bell peppers, citrus fruits). In order not to provoke the sensitivity of the skin, it is better to eat more seafood, low-fat milk, mashed potatoes, food and bread with bran. Should be excluded from the diet smoked foods, garlic, onions.

When combined skin pick up a diet very difficult, because on the face are present as fatty and dry area. However, it should follow the recommendations are valid for the type of skin that prevails. In addition, many of the recommendations are valid for all skin types (for example, the introduction of the diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, cooking for a couple).

Unhealthy complexion, pale skin Often, already looking at a person's face, we can say about health problems or ... with diet. It turns out that the overall tone blush and skin depends on what we eat.

If the skin is very pale, it is the first sign of iron deficiency (anemia). Iron can be found in sufficient quantities of buckwheat, liver, blood sausage, oysters, apples, spinach, currants. Women before menstruation should not neglect the additional intake of iron-containing vitamins (they can be purchased over the counter without a prescription).

When the pale, "gray" skin must enter into the diet more animal protein, but again as part of dishes, steamed, not fried. To maintain the blood supply to the skin is good to take on 50-100 g of red wine, pomegranate juice or chokeberry.

Note that smoking constricts blood vessels, leads to spasm, smoking of a cigarette therefore aggravates skin pallor.

Extended vascular grid (rosacea) When rosacea should avoid large fluctuations in blood pressure, do not eat foods that cause an instant rush of blood, or, conversely, a spasm of the vascular walls.

Obsolete better to exclude hot chocolate, coffee, strong hot tea, and watch out for spicy dishes, spices, pepper. To minimize the impact of food on vascular tone, with rosacea nutritionists recommend not to overeat, and eat small meals more often.

Pale skin is very sensitive to the sun People with pale skin and light (red) hair are most susceptible to sunburn. The skin in this case practically does not produce protective melanin pigment, so as a part of the ultraviolet solar radiation penetrates deep into the body, damaging the skin and internal organs.

Of course, skin sensitivity to the sun is determined by our genes, but with the right diet can significantly correct the situation. People with sensitive skin need to eat more vitamins, as well as precursors of vitamin A (carotenoids).

B vitamins are abundant in cottage cheese, eggs, cereals, brewer's yeast, nuts, milk. Carotenoids are found in parsley, tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, liver. These vitamins and precursors needed for the synthesis of melanin, the skin thus help to form a "sunscreen" screen in the form of soft tan

First signs of aging To protect the skin against premature aging, in the diet, as in cosmetic products, it is necessary to pay attention to the antioxidant vitamins: E and C.

These vitamins neutralize free radicals - hyperactive particles, which disturb the natural course of biochemical reactions that destroy the structure of collagen, resulting in the formation of wrinkles.

Vitamin E rich vegetable oils, whole and sprouted grains, nuts and beans. Vitamin C in great quantity in rose hips, spinach, sorrel, bell peppers, sauerkraut, citrus. It is interesting to note that the joint use of vitamins E and C increase the antioxidant effect of each other.

To prevent undesirable aging characteristics to use products that have passed aggressive heat treatment, since they are a source of free radicals and saturated fats. This sausage, dairy products high fat, sweets.

Puffiness, bags under the eyes Swelling of the face most often caused by disorders of the cardiovascular system and the kidneys. In severe swelling of the face or the area under the eyes first need to visit the doctor.

However, along with pharmaceuticals, you are likely to be offered to limit the use of salty foods, alcohol, soda and similar beverages. With increased swelling should be removed excess fluid intake (especially at night), but do not indulge in pure mineral water in the morning.

The fact that the body begins to lack liquid strongly to retain moisture, which can aggravate edema. To reduce bags under the eyes a little massage is recommended, as well as applying compresses as brewed tea bags on the lower eyelids.

Tags: diet