Smoking to lose weight?

 Many women after unsuccessful attempts to lose weight (after prolonged diets, grueling workouts in the gym, mystical conspiracy), despairing, clutching a cigarette with the thought: "If nicotine can kill a horse, it is quite possible that he would kill a couple of extra pounds, which hang from the I was in a completely inappropriate places. "

Well, it is possible that, including cigarettes in your diet, you will consume fewer calories, replacing "smoke breaks" with tea and sweet rolls a real man's smoke breaks with mountains of cigarette butts and thick clouds of smoke. You will first be alerted little ominous inscription on a pack of cigarettes, "Ministry of Health warns: smoking is dangerous to your health." "But the extra weight is not less injurious to health, and besides, a woman with a cigarette looks much nicer than a woman with a double chin," - you might think, and with a pure heart will open its first pack of "poison."

Of course, many people will defend the right of cigarettes "to life", saying that smoking helps you relax, move away from problems or, on the contrary, when the focus of mental work, increase alertness, and some will claim that a cigarette even replace a meal. Coffee and Cigarettes - a great way to have a snack and cheer. But such a seemingly pleasant moments overshadow one - DEPENDENCE.

If you notice that your teeth are suddenly turned yellow, unpleasant smell from the mouth, the hair became brittle and dull, the face looks more like a dried lemon voice was hoarse, his eyes are constantly red and watery, something poshalivaet heart, but still making sure that those extra pounds, protruding from under blouses, have not gone away, decide to quit smoking, there is something you and overtake a terrible disappointment!

You sucked. You always want to keep in the hands of this little "magic wand."

The body expects and demands its dose. Remember how frustrating when you want to eat on a diet candy or cake, but you can not, and the frustration you grab all the candy in the house and eat again. Just your body will act in the case of cigarette smoke, it will require each batch of the usual nicotine indignant careless owner. You will become more irritable and feel much worse and just try to stifle the desire to smoke a cigarette, for example, a couple of candy or cake with cream.

And the sad and unwanted news - after quitting you suddenly become rapidly gaining weight. Think about it, statistics show that on average, women who quit smoking gain weight from 7 to 10 pounds. All the matter in lipid metabolism. It changes from nicotine. And the digestive system, which has changed dramatically during the smoking will not be able to recover in a short time. So instead of a diet, which you held before the start smoking, you have to go through two.

As a result, smoking greatly "blabbed" your nervous system. After all, in fact, smokers live by faith in the cigarette, in that it will reach the desired state. Getting rid of cigarettes, you're ready to "break out" by anyone, even a minor issue. In addition, it is likely that your dream will turn into a painful fall asleep at night, and at least a painful rise in the morning. Nervous exhaustion sooner or later, will have an effect.

And if you look at the problem more fully? Indicators Statistics are growing in favor of smokers. It would seem that only a few cigarettes smoked per day can lead to such terrible diseases such as stroke, lung cancer, cancer.

Whether to continue?

So, if you are still starting to smoke, hoping to get rid of extra pounds, throw unconditionally. Plump rosy cheeks and curvy figure is much more pleasant than Shrivelled yellowed face and body mottled diseases.

And if you can not put up with being overweight, and besides, unhappy that began to gain extra weight, quit smoking, be active, move more, adjust your diet. And remember that no "magic wand" will not help to become a queen! Only own tenacity and desire to be charming and attractive will help to keep a great figure and precious health.