Russian diet

 Russian diet is based on restricting the consumption of carbohydrates (especially sugar, as it quickly dissolves and enters the body fat) and animal fats. Preference is given to vegetable fats, which have a positive effect on the processes associated with the consumption of fat by the body. Recommended soups vegetable broth, meat, mainly boiled, vegetables and fruits in large quantities.

Limited amount of salt and fluid intake. It is not recommended to eat hot spices, pepper, mustard and mayonnaise abuse. From the menu excluded candy, ice cream, chocolate, sweet pastries, as well as smoked and salted dishes, except sauerkraut, improves digestion. Also have to forget about alcoholic beverages.

A diet should be not less than two months.

Sample menu

Day 1:
Breakfast: 100 grams of boiled fish, 150 grams of salad sauerkraut, green peas and boiled carrots, a cup of black coffee without sugar.
Lunch: 150 g of boiled meat, 100 grams of fat-free cottage cheese, 2 apples.
Lunch: soup vegetarian from any vegetables, 150 grams of cabbage and carrots, a glass of apple compote.
Dinner: 100 g of boiled fish, 2 boiled potatoes, a cup of tea without sugar.

Day 2:
Breakfast: 200 grams of salad of shredded cabbage with peas and onions, seasoned with vegetable oil, a cup of black coffee.
Lunch: 1 cup of yogurt.
Lunch: 100 g of boiled carrots befstroganova cup apple compote.
Dinner: 100 g boiled fish, 2 boiled potatoes, 1 orange.

Day 3:
Breakfast: boiled egg, toast, a cup of black coffee.
Lunch: 100 g buckwheat porridge with fruit pieces.
Lunch: 150 g fried or boiled lean poultry, 2 apples, oranges.
Dinner: salad without pepper, seasoned with vegetable oil, a glass of apple juice or apple compote.

Day 4:
Breakfast: a cup of yogurt, crackers.
Lunch: salad of raw vegetables, seasoned with vegetable oil.
Lunch: 100 g of boiled meat, 150 grams of salad from a sauerkraut with green peas and onions.
Dinner: a plate of vegetable soup over low broth, 100 g of fresh grated carrots filled by a small amount of mayonnaise.

Day 5:
Breakfast: 3 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, a cup of black coffee without sugar.
Lunch: 2 apples, 2 oranges, glass of orange juice.
Lunch: dietary sausage, 150 g fresh cabbage with lemon juice, a glass of orange juice.
Dinner: 150 grams of lean fish grilled, 100 g red currants, gooseberries 100 g cup of mineral water.

Day 6:
Breakfast: 100 grams of boiled meat, 100 grams of sauerkraut.
Lunch: 100 g fat-free yogurt.
Lunch: a plate of vegetable soup on a low-fat meat or mushroom broth, a small piece of black bread.
Supper: a slice of lean pork, 100 grams of grated boiled beet with prunes, a cup of tea without sugar.

Day 7:
Breakfast: 100 grams of buckwheat porridge with Art. l. honey.
Lunch: 150 grams of salad from any fruit.
Lunch: 100 g boiled fish, 150 grams of salad from any raw vegetables, seasoned with vegetable oil.
Dinner: 100 grams of cooked meat, 2 boiled potatoes, apple, a glass of apple juice.

Tags: butter, salad, diet