Lose Weight with water

 If until now you were drinking water to sustain life processes in the body, almost without thinking about it, now we offer you the scoop. You look at the mundane activity completely different point of view, and the opportunity to make yourself useful discoveries.

Water for the human body
Water is the basis of all life on our planet. People living in different periods according to the weight and structure can comprise from 55% to 78% of water in the body. Dehydration, and in particular the loss of more than 10% of the vital liquid may lead to the death of a person. That is why we support the daily water balance in the body: drink water, juices, beverages and eat foods that contain it. Total daily intake of water should be between 1 and 5 to 3 liters of water, depending on climatic conditions, human activity and other factors.

A breakthrough in the art of losing weight
Not so long ago, American researchers conducted a study on the influence of water on the metabolism in the body. It turned out that it was realistic thin with water. This weight loss is directly related to how often and to what extent and in what capacity we consume their daily rate of the liquid. Now, diet pills, exhausting exercise, perennial constraints can go into oblivion, it is enough to know how to use water. It turns out that nature has provided the most useful, the most harmless and most affordable way to lose weight and it - water.

Following the discovery was followed by the creation of a special "water diet" or instructions on how tothin with water. Not long in coming and the army of adherents of the new diet, and hence results. As it turned out just a few months to try some of the diet to get rid of excess weight 15-20 kg. However, after supporters of losing weight with the help of water were his opponents. Hooked ease and availability of diet, many women have increased the number of liters of normalized half. Instead of 2-3 liters per day to drink 5 or even more. This contributed to the rapid washout from the body of minerals, developed toxemia, increased pressure appeared migraine and some other health problems. Therefore, in practicethin with water reasonably necessary in compliance with the rules of the "golden mean."

Losing weight with water quite harmless. If you do not rush to extremes, do not expect instant results without any effort at all, but want to competently and effectively throw off those extra pounds, then you should definitely try a water diet. It helps:
- Normalize weight;
- Cleanse the body;
- To restore the natural skin tone;
- Get your daily energy boost.

Lose Weight with water

Lose Weight with water 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
So, you woke up, brushed my teeth, washed and possibly have time to do gymnastics. Now it's time for breakfast. Do not rush to fry an egg or dry rations have a cupcake. What you need right now - it is a glass of crystal clear water. Drink it should slowly in small sips. For a taste, you can add the water a little lemon juice.

Water significantly accelerates metabolism: burn fat, energy flows into every cell of the body, why not take advantage of this bonus? Besides water no fats or proteins or carbohydrates, and therefore it is absolutely high in calories and contain no cholesterol. Another plus a glass of water drunk during the day - the feeling of hunger disappears, and with it the desire to eat something, something to chew, bite. Tap water may contain some impurities that can damage healthy cleansing of the body, so use filtered or meltwater. The amount of water that should be used strictly individual. It depends on the total body weight: 1 kg for 40 ml of water. The result comes about 6-8 glasses per day. If you live in hot, dry climates, active in sports or other physical activities have the amount of fluid should be increased slightly.

Recommendations for receiving water
Use the clock! Remember: we Lose Weight with waterIf the simple rules:
- Need to drink water before meals for half an hour;
- While eating drinking is prohibited. Washed down with another batch of breakfast / lunch / dinner, you dilute the gastric juice, thus breaking the digestive processes;
- Can not be drunk after eating at least 2 hours. Taking a sip of the liquid after a meal can also harm: food that has not had time to digest, washed out of the stomach, which has had a negative health consequences. Therefore, we recommend to drink water only 2 hours after you eat food rich in carbohydrates and 4 hours if it is predominantly proteins.

What else you need to take a mandatory
As you know, we have talked about water and how thin with water. Sodas, coffee, alcoholic beverages is absolutely not related to this topic! To get the desired results and to benefit their health have to give up these alleged thirst quenching fluids. Let's just say, sugary drinks and nectars - is the extra calories, coffee - it's the caffeine dehydrates the body. If you can not resist a cup of coffee, then plus your water ration another glass of crystal clear water.

And one last wish ...
Do not take losing weight with water as another punishment from heaven. It may well be one of the pleasant daily rituals. So try to have fun. You can buy beautiful glasses of different sizes, to drink the waters were not only useful, but also aesthetically pleasing.

Of great importance is the quality of water consumed. It should be clean and have no odor or harmful impurities. Try to drink water straight in small sips. Thus, there will be overloaded stomach and kidneys quickly quench thirst and not break wind. It is also good to drink water through a straw. The main thing thatlosing weight with water delivered to you first of all comfort and pleasure! Be sure to correct a couple of weeks it will become a water diet for you is familiar, and in a month you will notice the first results. In a short time you will regain a slender figure and flexible at the same time well-being, along with a daily portion of cheerfulness.

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