Lose Weight on the system "Minus 60"

Lose Weight on the system "Minus 60"
 Catherine Mirimanova, author of the popular weight loss system "Minus 60" by example proved to all the suffering women that losing weight without unbearable costs of mental strength and exhausting diets is possible.  

Author of the "Minus 60" is familiar with being overweight is not hearsay. After pregnancy and childbirth Mirimanova Catherine was in a long depression with a weight of 120 kg. She tried all the known methods of weight loss have not yet developed their own way to harmony, which takes into account the needs of its particular organism.

The system "Minus 60" is not categorical and stringent prohibitions: everything is possible, if very much want to, even alcohol and sweet, but only at certain times. In principle, nothing new Mirimanova system does not offer its methods - this is propaganda separate food and moderate physical activity. The main thing - to tune in to weight loss, to adopt a new way of life for granted and need.

That the proposed system "Minus 60"? First, compulsory breakfast - a pledge of vivacity and energy. Second, you can have a sweet tooth, but only up to 12 hours of the day. White sugar is desirable to be replaced by brown, and tea and coffee drink with no sugar at all. Can not live without chocolate - eat health, but only a dark and bitter. Can not imagine life without a glass of wine at dinner - drink, but only red dry.

Thirdly, and allowed to eat potato pasta, but only the first half of the day, as well as bread and other farinaceous products.

Fourth, you need to drink as much as you want. Do not pour a recommended by some nutritionists two liters of water, if you drink it does not want at all. The same applies to the use of fruit - a lot of them will prevent weight loss, because the metabolism slows down, because you have to eat apples all day, continuously.

Fifth, the system "Minus 60" categorically against violent procedures of cleaning the body. Do not torment yourself with hunger strikes, enemas and even unloading days. The stress of these procedures will eclipse any discharge weight.

Sixthly, dinner should be not later than 8 pm. If you missed this meal for some reason, nothing can be done, will have to go without dinner. If you spend half a day in the kitchen preparing food for the rest of the family - do not try it! Rely on their sense of smell. For themselves, try to cook stews without oil, mayonnaise, sour cream. Salt in a small amount.

Seventh, be sure to take a multivitamin preparations and do it systematically courses.

System "Minus 60" implies a mandatory skin care and mandatory exercise, ideally every day for 10 minutes. Catherine Mirimanova offers all its followers to use the scrub of his own invention, which is great tightens the skin. Take the coffee grounds, dissolve it in a couple of pills mummy and rub massage movements in problem areas. This should be done every night.

"Minus 60" for those losing weight that can not suddenly say a firm "no" favorite products. However, in this case, rather the result of not count. The body gradually reconstructed, it will be some time before the weight starts to fall.

Tags: system, the principle