
 Lindaksa - one of the many drugs for weight loss that are based on sibutramine. Manufacturer Lindaksy - Czech pharmaceutical company Zentiva. According to the developers, the drug does not lead to addiction and the abuse, but extremely effective in reducing weight and for a long time, remove the dependency in food.

In the category Women's Health: meteozavisimost

Potential customers Lindaksy - people with a weak will, unable to rid yourself of a bad habit to eat much. If such a person tries to drastically change their lifestyle and eating habits, begin to severely restrict your diet, it will only lead to a decline in energy and mood, irritation, anger and poor health. All this will negatively affect the relationship "starving" with relatives, friends and colleagues, as well as its functionality and joie de vivre.

The principle of operation Lindaksy

Effect of the drug Lindaksa based on balancing the ratio of substances such as norepinephrine and serotonin.

Serotonin called "hormone of happiness" for its production of liability The information contained in the gut glucose. This hormone allows us to feel pleasure from a variety of enjoyable events in our lives, including the delicious food. That's why with stress and troubles many of us try to "jam" problem chocolate, biscuits and cakes. From eating delicious food serotonin levels in the blood increases.
So, Lindaksa save you from having to maintain the desired level of serotonin via yummy. Lindaksa monitors this level and does not allow it to fall too low. Even if we have nothing to eat, thanks to Lindakse we feel satiety and pleasant. In fact, originally developed sibutramine is not to help to lose weight, but as a drug for depression, a person is able to create a good mood for no apparent reason. Therefore, taking Lindaksu, can not be afraid of bad mood and feelings of infringement from the fact that we have to give up many delicious things. Lindaksa help banish fatigue and, in its place comes a sense of vitality and vigor.

Lindaksa relates to medicines, but not for food additives. With it treated obesity, it has a dual mechanism of action. By taking Lindaksy patient formed the right eating pattern, the amount of food intake is reduced by 20%. It is proved that the action Lindaksy 4 times more effective than exercise and diet. However, it is recommended to use the complex method of treatment, that is, along with the administration of the drug to maintain a balanced diet and put in practice a reasonable exercise - especially if the patient is a sedentary lifestyle.


Absolutely this drug is contraindicated in people who suffer from hypertension. Do not take Lindaksu those who have had serious eating disorders - bulimia or anorexia. Mental illness also serve as the basis for the rejection of the drug. Not recommended intake Lindaksy in diseases of the cardiovascular system, sleep disturbances, tachycardia, arrhythmias, for serious violations of the liver and kidneys, glaucoma, alcohol or drug dependence. Lindaksa contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, children under 18 and people over 65 years. Before buying Lindaksu, be sure to consult with your doctor - you may have to undergo a medical examination to determine the possible contraindications.

How do I take?

The recommended dose - 1 capsule (10 mg) per day, regardless of the meal. It should drink a glass of clean water. If necessary, the dose may be increased to 15 mg per day. The course of treatment is prescribed individually, but shall not exceed 12 months: after this period may decrease the effects of the drug, in addition, it is unclear what impact such a longuse Lindaksy its safety to the human body and effectiveness.

Olga Moses
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: body, hair, pregnancy, forum, period, diet, hormone loss, reception, review, influence, Moldova, medication, hypertension, contraindication, bulimia, analog, Simferopol