How to know the rate of weight

How to know the rate of weight
 The quest for the ideal figure imposed by the fashion industry, is pushing women to a rigid diet and weight loss maniacal. But the insidious pounds come back, no matter what efforts. And you still feel donuts. But maybe you're wrong. And your ideal body weight, but only specifically for you. How to check and find out their normal weight?
 The very first thing to do - is to define who you are on the complexion: astenik, normostenik or hypersthenics. It turns out it's very simple. Grasp the thumb and forefinger of his right hand brush left. And look at the result. If the fingers closed, you belong to normostenicheskaya type if closed overlap - your asthenic type, if not closed - you hypersthenics. Correspondingly, normal weight for all three types is different. He may even go beyond the norm in one way or another.

Now you need to determine the rate of weight gain. There are several methods.

The first officially used by nutritionists way - is vyschityvanie body mass index BMI:

BMI = m / h ^ 2.

Here m - weight in kilograms, h - height in meters. For example, BMI = 70 kg / 1, 7h1, 7 = 24, 2. On a scale of values ​​of the index corresponds to a normal body weight, where 15 - 20 - underweight, 20 - 25 - normal weight, 25-30 - overweight, more 30 - obesity.

The second method, the second to the first, but in a simple calculation. Your healthy weight is equal to h (height) - 100. The result will show the upper limit of normal. h - 110 - is the lower limit of normal. For example, 170 - 70 = 100; 170 - 110 = 60. So with the growth rate of 170 cm weight can vary from 60 to 70 kg.

Apart from these simple calculations, you can take advantage of special electronic scales that show the amount of fat and water in the body. For example, in normal men fat percentage should be 12-18% for women and - 18-25%. The disadvantage of these scales is that all determinations occur at the lower part of the body. Without taking into account features of a figure, when the main fat mass can be placed around the waist and chest.

How you meet the norm, can be viewed at the folds on the abdomen. Pinch and measure it. In women with normal weight fold should be no more than 2-4 cm, for men - 1-2 cm. The experts came to the conclusion that more than 5 cm - it is an alarming sign of obesity.

Tags: mass index, weight, shape, body, norm