How to determine your ideal weight

How to determine your ideal weight
 Not all people are satisfied with their appearance. Some people would like to lose weight, and some, on the contrary, - gain a few pounds. But before you do something, you need to figure out what kind of weight is ideal.
 The first method is the most simple, but at the same time and thus approximate. For this calculation, determine your height in centimeters and subtract this number from 110. The difference between the figures and would be an ideal weight. For example, if your height is 165 centimeters, your weight should be about 55 pounds. But it bears repeating that this calculation is very approximate.

To determine the ideal weight can be calculated body mass index. To do this, squared her height in meters. For example, if your height is 165 centimeters, then make the following calculation: 1, 65 * 1, 65 = 2, 72. If your weight is 65 pounds, then do the following: 65/2, 72 = 23, 89. As As for the normal index of weight, it should be about 19-26. If your index is from 26 to 30, it indicates that you need to lose a few pounds. If the index is above 30, it is an indicator of obesity to be treated. The index below 19 indicates that it is necessary to build up a bit of muscle or gain a little weight.

There is another way to determine the ideal value of weight. To do this, first measure the circumference of the chest under the nipple on inspiration (though it will be 110) and do the same procedure as you exhale (let it be number 90). Now find the average value of this figure (in this case the number 100) and multiply it by the growth. Suppose that your height is 165 cm. After computing the number of turns 16500. Now it is divided by 240 - this will be your ideal weight.

Remember that almost all the miraculous formula for the calculation of ideal weight is very subjective. The weight and shape of your body is strongly dependent on genetic predisposition as well as the structure of your body's metabolic rate, and other factors that those formulas in the calculation are not taken. So if you like what you look like, if you feel comfortable in your body, you gain or lose weight need not - you are so perfect.

Tags: index, weight, body