How to determine normal weight or not

How to determine normal weight or not
 Many women and men today are concerned about the fight against obesity and busy improving figures. However, few of them take into account the fact that the weight should rely strictly individually. There are many methods to determine the ideal body parameters. Here are just a few of them.
 The most well-known method - calculation of body weight, when a control parameter is taken human growth. It is sufficient to subtract from growth (in centimeters) 100 (for men) or 110 (for women). However, experts leery of this method, since the result is very rough.

Can calculate its own weight and by the Lorentz formula, but in four steps:
- The growth (in centimeters) 100 is subtracted (for both men and women);
- The growth (in centimeters) 150 is subtracted, and the resulting number is divided by two;
- From the first day of the second subtracted.

The result will be, in accordance with this formula, an ideal weight.

Another method of using the growth parameter (BMI calculation - ideal body weight) is also somewhat more complex and takes place in two stages:
- Height (in meters) squared;
- A weight divided by the result.

After the results are analyzed in terms of:
- BMI less than 15 - an acute shortage of weight;
- 15 to 20 - underweight;
- From 20 to 25 (some say up to 23) - normal weight;
- 25 (23) 25 - overweight;
- More than 30 - obese.

Despite the fact that the method of calculating the index BMI is used as core in the World Health Organization, excluding parameters such as age and body, thereby to determine whether or not the normal weight only with sufficient reserve.

There are three body types: normostenichesky (or normokostny), asthenia (tonkokostnoe) or hypersthenic (boned). You can determine the type of edge-on corner, wrist circumference (in centimeters) or by outward signs. In other words, such classification suggests that people-hypersthenics will always have a BMI above normal, in spite of everything. So if you think you have excess weight, first check what your body type.

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