How to determine normal weight person

How to determine normal weight person
 Thoughtlessly lose weight is just as dangerous as self-medicate. Need to be fully aware how much weight will bring your body health, ease and speed of movement. And what weight "hell" can not be crossed, not to harm herself.
 To determine your ideal weight, you must first determine what type of structure of the human body belongs to yours. Anthropologists are three basic.

Hypersthenic type is characterized by an average (or below average) tall, broad chest, relatively short legs, big bones.

Asthenic - a type that is characterized by high growth, long limbs and narrow thorax. It is the most rare type of human addition, the holders of not more than 15% of the total number of people on earth. It is to this type belong to those women who are mannequins.

Accordingly, normostenichesky type is characterized by averaging the normal characteristics of the body.

To determine its own constitution, it is necessary to stand in front of the mirror, draw the abdomen and stick out as far as possible the chest. The resulting intercostal corner and will be an indicator. If it is about 90 degrees - you normostenik, if acute (less than 90 degrees) - you astenik and if obtuse (greater than 90 degrees) - you hypersthenics.

Accordingly, the weight that is normal for asthenics can hardly be achieved if you normostenik, and even more so - hypersthenics. In general, the optimal weight - it's quite an abstract concept. Indeed, average people do not exist in nature. If you feel good, practice good nutrition to exercise, it does not matter, you are above or below the weight than average.

But there are special formulas that can give a rough guide and give you something to strive for, or when it makes sense to stop. For example, the formula Kyutela. By her body mass index is calculated by dividing body weight per height squared. Moreover, the growth should be expressed in meters. If the resulting ratio is in the range of 20-23, then your weight is completely normal. 24-29 coefficient indicates that there is overweight, it being understood that the level of criticality of obesity increases together with the coefficient. From figure 30 starts obesity. Body mass index below 20 - evidence underweight, which is typical for young girls and sometimes boys.

Calculate your ideal weight, you can always adjust your diet and physical activity program to maintain an ideal weight or close to it.

Tags: man, weight, formula calculation