How to calculate the normal weight

How to calculate the normal weight
 Normal weight depends on many factors: age, sex, physiological characteristics of a person. There are several ways to calculate the ideal weight, but not always satisfied with the results of a woman, so she hurts herself diet, exercise, and modern drugs.
 Body weight is one of the most important indicators of the physical condition of the human body. Any significant deviations from the norm indicate the presence of any disease or disorder of organs or systems. Of course, it can fluctuate throughout life. Influencing factors are the fat burning process, evaporation of water, eating, using the toilet, time of day, etc.

Modern technologies make it easy to determine the real and the recommended weight entered parameters. There are special kinds of floor scales for possible counting. But this method gives only approximate to the truth result.

Also, calculations are used, which are based on measurement of bioelectrical impedance. Feature is to obtain the index of resistance of the body. This is achieved by the fact that the adipose tissue is not conducting. Therefore, it is possible to know the percentage of fat in the human body.

The simplest variant of normal weight calculation method is Pierre Broca. For people of small stature optimum weight is the result of subtracting from growth 100. For people of average height is necessary to subtract 105, and for high - 110. For example, during the growth of 165 cm is considered normal weight of 65 kg.

Index method body produces more accurate indicators. To calculate the height in meters squared. Take the weight in kilograms and divide it by the number obtained previously. If the index is between 19 and 26, then it is a normal weight. Smaller figure indicates a lack of weight, exceeding 26 - about excess.

The method of measurement is the use of indicators chest circumference. The first number is obtained by measuring on a deep inlet, the second - with a deep breath. By means of simple mathematical operations get the arithmetic mean. Next, multiply this number by height in inches and divide by 240. The resulting number is the best indicator of weight.

Tags: weight, measure, count