Diet 2 weeks

 Choosing a diet for weight loss, each guided by their reason. Someone needs urgently to lose the holiday a couple of pounds, and it stops the choice on a fairly rigid 3-5 five day diets. Someone agrees to fight hard with being overweight, but can not tolerate hunger, and then he will approach the long diet designed for three or more weeks. Women's magazine JustLady, in an attempt to find a middle ground, offers simple diet for 2 weeks.  

In the category: Fitness: Tennis for Beginners

Diet (2 weeks). Option 1

This diet is based on restricting calories that you consume with food. Immediately I must say that it is not particularly hungry, so more suitable for those who engaged in physical exercise, or at least his work is not connected with a permanent seat on the chair.

You can choose from two menus, you can follow one of them or alternate.

Menu 1
First breakfast. Fresh salad, scrambled eggs of 2 eggs, a cup of tea with milk without sugar.
Lunch. Cheese, broth hips or a cup of tea.
Lunch Time. Vegetable salad, soup broth with pickled cabbage, boiled chicken with vegetables, broth hips or stewed without sugar.
Afternoon tea. A glass of juice, milk or broth hips.
Dinner. Vegetable stew, boiled fish (100 g), a glass of tea without sugar.
Before going to bed. A cup of yogurt.

Menu 2
First breakfast. A serving of cooked meat (100 g), green peas, a glass of tea without sugar.
Lunch. Baked apple or processed cheese.
Lunch Time. Vegetable soup, boiled water, vegetable salad, seasoned with vegetable oil, boiled fish, a glass compote.
Afternoon tea. Glass broth hips.
Dinner. Cottage cheese, a cup of tea.
Before going to bed. A cup of yogurt.

As you can see, the amount of servings is not limited (except protein products), but can reduce the caloric content, if necessary, by reducing carbohydrate food portions. Protein products: meat, fish, milk and milk products is better to choose the lowest fat content.

Eating fruits and vegetables that contain little starch, also is not particularly limited. That is, tomatoes, lettuce, radishes, greens, etc., you can eat as much pleased.

The amount of water drunk per day, is recommended to reduce to 1, 5 liters per day, based on the one that you get from soups and meals. It should be noted that you are allowed fruits and vegetables (non-starch) contain an average of 80% of the water, fish and meat - 70%.

Of salt per day can have no more than 5 grams and not better salting food during cooking and to the plate portion. Feed is required 5-6 times per day, as indicated in the menu options, and better if it be the same clock.

Developers diets promise that if you just followdiet for 2 weeks then You can lose 5-7 pounds.

Diet 2 weeks

Diet (2 weeks). Option 2

For those who are not particularly interested in sports, we offer a different diet for two weeks. It is clear that it will look stricter.

This diet also occur under the name "Brazilian diet" and in strict compliance with promises of excess weight loss of 4-5 pounds. There needs three times a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Restrictions on fluid intake is not.

Weekly menu looks like this:

First Day
For breakfast, lunch and dinner, you are invited to eat a boiled egg 1, 1 apple and drink 1 cup of coffee (black, without sugar).

Day Two
The same diet.

Day Three
Breakfast. Eggs, hard-boiled (2 pieces).
Lunch Time. Lean beef (100 g) serving of spinach.
Dinner. A serving of spinach, 1 boiled egg.

Day Four
Breakfast. 1 hard-boiled egg.
Lunch Time. Boiled fish (100 g), one medium fresh tomato.
Dinner. Eggs, hard-boiled (2 pieces), black coffee without sugar.

Day Five
Breakfast. 1 hard-boiled egg, a cup of black coffee without sugar.
Lunch Time. Two boiled eggs, one medium-sized fresh tomato.
Dinner. Fish, fried on the grill (or fry without oil, bake in the oven) - 100 g, 1 tomato salad and 1st cucumber dressed with vinegar.

Day Six
Breakfast. 1 boiled egg, black coffee without sugar.
Lunch Time. Lean beef (100 g), 1 medium cucumber.
Dinner. Beef (100g) grilled (no fat), black coffee without sugar (1 cup)

Seventh day
Breakfast. 1 hard-boiled egg, a cup of black coffee.
Lunch Time. Chicken (poltushki, fried without fat), one fresh tomato, a cucumber.
Dinner. Chicken (the second part of the carcass), 1 fresh tomato, 1 cucumber, black coffee without sugar, 1 apple.

At the end of the first week of the menu should be repeated again.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: diet