Catherine Mirimanova - advice sorceress

Catherine Mirimanova - advice sorceress
 The name of this beautiful, successful women became famous recently. Author of the popular system minus 60, journalist, author, Catherine Mirimanova today is an example for many girls and women who want to lose weight. Without the debilitating hunger strikes and reinforced sports training without strict limitations in terms of nutrition. It is impossible - you say and will not be right. Own experience of this single-minded women, the results of which have thousands of her followers are the best proof of the effectiveness of the system. In this article, a women's magazine tells about JustLady Mirimanova Catherine and her books, which today have become best sellers.

Catherine became independent early enough. While still a student at Teachers College, she began working as a model, participated in fashion shows. This was followed by studies at the Institute of Linguistics, work teacher and manager. By this time she was already married and had a child - the female body, has experienced such a load, hormonal reconstructed, the number of used products increased, athletic training quietly disappeared from the daily schedule. Started having problems with weight - pounds were added, clothing size becomes large, and it seemed this was nothing to be done about it. When the arrow stopped floor scales at around 120 kg, the young woman realized - it's time to take action.

Catherine Mirimanova - advice sorceress

Catherine Mirimanova - advice sorceress

Weight control was carried out by "trial and error" (this can be found inCatherine books Mirimanova), Something was taken, and the other was rejected immediately. Gradually, the weight began to come back to normal, and disparate rules and dietary practices to develop in one, it is logical picture. So therebook "Diet -60" - Correction system weight by Catherine Mirimanova that is suitable for any woman and allows to lose weight without giving up the usual power supply circuit.

Books Catherine Mirimanova

Strictly speaking, "The system -60" consists of four books that complement each other and talk about all aspects affecting the problem of weight loss and well-being of women.

The book "Diet minus 60 or my magic slimming". The first book in the series, published in 2007 by the publishing house "Eksmo". It Catherine detailed and clearly describes all the principles of their diet. The main condition: up to 12 hours, you can eat anything. The body in the morning, intensive processes any incoming food using energy to maintain their livelihoods. After 12 hours of the time comes to certain limitations. Lunch should be no later than 13-14 hours. Products desirable steamed or baked in the oven - so they retain all the nutrients and are lower in calories. Adhere to the principle of a separate food: do not mix the carbohydrate and protein foods - another rule of minus 60. Supper must be no later than 18 hours of light, low-calorie foods. The book created a furor among readers - it was practically the first diet does not prohibit cakes, chocolates and other "goodies".

"Diet Secrets minus 60 or sorceress" - The second book in this series. To look good, you have to take care of your skin to maintain muscle tone.Catherine Mirimanova shares with his readers of beauty secrets, gives recipes that make skin elastic, to avoid the appearance of stretch marks. Talks about the secrets of style, how to choose the right clothes and accessories, make a mask for the skin and hair at home. Needless to say, that thisbook Catherine Mirimanova was greeted her followers with even greater enthusiasm.

"Diet minus 60 or magician in the kitchen"- A real gift to all who hold power systemCatherine Mirimanova. Who said that a diet - it is boring and monotonous? Recipes collected in this book, not only original and tasty, they do not require much time to prepare. "Ear Rostov" pike perch and salmon salad "Piquant" Chicken and pineapple, tender cottage cheese casserole with prunes and apples - some names of the dishes are worth!

"Diet minus 60. Life after weight loss" - The perfect complement to the previous three books. It is based on the answers to the questions most commonly asked in the diary blogCatherine Mirimanova. How to keep a healthy weight, how to combine products, which adhere to the intensity of physical exercise and whether it is possible to combine the system minus 60 to work and study - these and many other topics were united in the fourth book of the series "The system -60".

The book "Diet minus 60 for men"- Was published in 2009 and was a natural and welcome continuation of "dietary" direction. Simple and explicit rules of their systemCatherine Mirimanova be refined, taking into account the features of the male body. Special menus and carefully selected set of exercises, tips, help set up to perform necessary tasks - the book became a kind of guide for men who want to change themselves and learn to achieve goals.

Today published more than 10Catherine books Mirimanova. A special place in the work of this talented woman takes artistic trilogy "Book of Changes. "Readers have been able to meet with the first two works of this series:" The Ghost and I "and" The Edge. "What are they? On the woman's fate, predestination and random events that unfold life, changing its usual direction. The strength of our desire, which can work wonders, making us happy and self-sufficient. Nothing is impossible - we did with you witch, right?

Catherine Mirimanova - advice sorceress

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: circuit, board, council, sorceress, Catherine