Useful properties of cocoa. Cocoa and diet

Useful properties of cocoa. Cocoa and diet
 Most of us are familiar with cocoa from early childhood - its flavor, delicate taste, a beautiful chocolate color, sweet air foam on the surface of the cup. Cocoa need to know how to cook, cook with love for this wonderful drink, and then he would get extremely tasty. Women's magazine JustLady teach you today to boil cocoa, as well as talk about the benefits and harms of cocoa and its properties.

From the history of cocoa

Are you wondering where all taken cocoa? Then we'll tell you some interesting facts. Cocoa beans were discovered by the Spanish conquistadors in Peru and Mexico. And initially they were not used to brew the beverage, and as currency. For the first time in Europe cocoa beans were in Spain, where they began to prepare hot chocolate and have a drink in 1657 for the first time tried in London. That is, almost at the same time, when England appeared coffee and tea. Since then, cocoa became a drink in many nations.

There are three main types of cocoa. First bred in the territory of Venezuela to Nicaragua, it is very fragrant type of cocoa, which is called «Criollo». The second type - «Forastero» - more than 80% of the world's cocoa crop. The lowest quality from cocoa called «Calabacillo». However, most of these mixtures plantations cultivated species. The main exporters of cocoa include Nigeria, Cameroon, Brazil, Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana.

Collection of fruits

Cocoa beans are harvested only when fully ripe. The fruits are collected in large baskets, and then the entire crop lumped together and cut the fruit into two or four parts. The fruits are separated from the pulp manually or can be, such as in South America with a special tool made from cow ribs. Then the cocoa beans are laid out on trays for fermentation under the action of wild yeasts or enzymes on their own 2-9 days. After that, the fruit is dried under the sun, then sorted and packaged for recycling.

Processing and obtaining cocoa

Dried fruits are cleaned, roasted, bring down, mixed and ground. Roasted cocoa beans in rotating drums - so they are roasted evenly. Roasted fruit is crushed in a special machine, which also eliminates the peel and misses a few crumbs cocoa sieves. Of fried chips, grinding it between millstones receive stretching dough. When it solidifies on cooling, it turns bitter chocolate. Mixing the pulp with sugar and vanilla, sweet chocolate is prepared, with the addition of powdered milk obtained beloved by many milk chocolate. But cocoa powder obtained from the chocolate mass hydraulic pressing, and during this process the mass is removed from the fat.

Cocoa and its beneficial properties

Benefits of Cocoa is known to many, it is no wonder that millions of people are so fond of this drink. And there is not even in its aroma and amazing taste. It turns out that cocoa contains a large number of substances that are useful for the organism.Benefits of Cocoa manifested in its effect on our mood - after drinking a cup of sweet cocoa on the soul becomes warm and good. And all thanks to the fact that cocoa contains a natural antidepressant - fenilefilamin. Is it, and caffeine, but in smaller amounts than in coffee. The drink is rich in protein, vitamins and folic acid (and this is manifested benefits of cocoa for pregnant women). Furthermore, cocoa contains large amounts of zinc and iron. It is hard to find another product which would contain more of these elements than cocoa.

It is also known that cocoa powder contains natural pigment melanin which protects the skin from UV rays. Drunk a cup of cocoa improves mood and increases vitality, and all thanks to the fact that it stimulates the production of endorphins - the hormone of joy. Also drinks contain biologically active substances that stimulate mental activity and improve efficiency. Rich cocoa procyanidins that improve the condition of the skin, improve its elasticity and protect against premature aging. Cocoa products useful to use for people who suffer from hypertension, since these products are capable of lowering blood pressure.

Now let's talk about the harm of cocoa, because there are a lot of conflicting information. In factharm cocoa can only be due to a poor quality product. For example, if cocoa rancid - drink it absolutely can not, however, as there is a rancid chocolate. Rancid can distinguish cocoa taste - this drink is more acidic. However, manufacturers often mask soured product flavors, so it is best to buy cocoa from reliable companies. Usually contraindications to the use of cocoa believe kidney disease and gout.

Do not knowhow to cook cocoa right, to get tasty air foam? Journal JustLady teach you how to cook cocoa on the classic recipe. So, in the presence of cocoa powder, water, sugar, milk and whisk. Boil water, then fall asleep in her cocoa and sugar, stir well and begin to whisk him. At the very end add the milk, always hot. Remember that it is necessary to shake the powder whisk, otherwise the drink will not be air foams, for which we love so much.

Cocoa and diet

Journal JustLady can not raise the issue, which, as we believe the interests of millions of women: is it possible combination of cocoa and diet? The answer is - maybe! Unlike chocolate cocoa drink does not affect the figure. And if you want to drink a cup of sweet cocoa, do not deny yourself the pleasure - you figure it will not spoil.

Cocoa - a drink that prolongs life and gives us a good mood. Drink it to your health!

Alice Terentyeva

Tags: diet cocoa benefit property