The simplest way to lose weight

 Most of us from time to time the question arises, how quickly lose a few pounds. You can take advice from nutritionists, hire a personal trainer, jogging in the morning and go to the pool or try to sit on a diet beloved friend, but, unfortunately, the frantic pace of life does not always allow us to follow all the helpful advice and diet. We will tell you how to quickly reset all, especially without straining.

Rule № 1. There can be everything, but with the mind

There is not much contradiction in it to eat bread, chocolate and other tasty things and lose weight at the same time. However, have to work his head and count calories.

Plan for the week ahead, what culinary pleasures and how much you can afford.

Fortunately, if you eat dark chocolate is to have fun, do not eat the whole tile. Enough for a pair of dice for breakfast, to cheer yourself up.

Rule № 2. Enjoy the taste

The greatest pleasure of food we get from the very first pieces. The maximum stretch is fun and do not ask for supplements. And do not eat in between times, raid, watching TV or reading, or you certainly will not notice how much is eaten.

Rule № 3. Observe how goes the extra weight

Buy electronic scales to notice even minor fluctuations in weight. This will help you to better understand your body, what and how he reacts. Well, if the balance is a function of storing your data.

However, you can manually maintain a kind of schedule. It will become clear incentive and support in moments of weakness and apathy. 200 grams per day - it's great! However, to inform you of this joy can only very accurate scales.

Rule № 4. Drink plenty of fluids

Scientifically proven that if during the day you drink mineral water, water with lemon or green tea, it is not so much feel hungry.

Rule № 5. Tell everyone that you are on a diet

After telling her friends, loved one, co-workers that you are on a diet, you will feel more responsibility. Now it is "a matter of honor" and nowhere to retreat.

As an additional support to register on several "slimming" sites, there you give advice, sympathize, to cheer.

Rule № 6. Make cooking a hobby!

It may seem paradoxical, but the most successful fight with the habit to eat with the help of hobbies cooking. Buy books with recipes, learn the cuisines of different nations of the world, every day cook something unusual for your family or friends.

In psychology, this is simple: people, limiting yourself to eating, enjoy, when fed the other, and it is a pleasure equal to what they experience in the use of food.

Lala Reasonable

Tags: diet, fashion, weight loss