The Golden Rules of Power

 Despite the huge number of diets, there are general basics of proper nutrition. Correct, balanced diet as a lifestyle - a diverse, fresh foods in moderation, eat a pleasure.


Despite the huge number of diets, there are general basics of proper nutrition.

First - Food should be fresh. Inevitably deteriorate during storage dietary quality. Cooked food should not be left for long. It started to go the processes of fermentation and putrefaction. It is better to eat food immediately after cooking.

Avoid canned foods, fast foods, chips !!!

The second - Must be present in the diet of raw vegetables and fruits. In raw fruits concentrated life-giving force, they still have much more vitamins and minerals than cooked. Raw vegetables and fruits increase the rate of metabolism. For overweight people, phlegmatic, prone to depression very well include in the diet of raw vegetables and fruits, to increase the rate of metabolism. Same people with increased excitability better to eat fruits and vegetables, steamed or in the oven.

Third - Food should be varied and balanced.
If you eat in the workplace, it is better to order the delivery of ready meals in the office. This will allow you to maintain a varied and balanced diet.

The more different products included in the diet, the more biologically active substances supplied to an organism. For normal functioning of the body needed proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Same percentage of their relationship recommends dietitian with any problems. In a healthy human diet, this ratio should be the next 15-20% - proteins; 30% - fats, and up to 55% - carbohydrates.

Fourth - Rotation detection products. Not have the time to eat one dish or product.

Fifth - Seasonal food. Spring and summer is necessary to increase the amount of plant foods. In winter, on the contrary it is advisable to add to the diet of foods rich in protein and fat.

Sixth - Dietary restrictions. Weight gain is always develops in the energy imbalance, so weight loss is necessary to limit the energy value of the diet. In addition, overeating reduces performance, causes fatigue.

Seventh - From the food we need to get the most pleasure. First of all, we must abandon the haste while eating, unpleasant conversations and reading.

Eighth - Some combination products. You can not have incompatible dishes, and is a mandatory rule. Under unfavorable combinations of food in the intestine and stimulates the process of fermentation and putrefaction of food, and the body is the accumulation of toxins. If we take into account the fact that about 90% of people over the age of 40 years suffer from bloating, heartburn, bitter taste in the mouth, constipation, etc., then all of them should think about changing the nature of power.

Given all the above, we conclude: mono diets are only good for a certain (fairly short) time and always with the support of vitamins, micro and macro, chosen doctor - nutritionist individually.

Correct, balanced diet as a lifestyle - a diverse, fresh foods in moderation, eat a pleasure.

Tags: gold, food