The benefits of green tea - all about the most famous medicinal drink

The benefits of green tea - all about the most famous medicinal drink
 Who today is not only talks about the benefits of green tea: TV, radio, magazines. Each is committed to talk about what are the benefits of green tea. This type of tea called curative drink that stimulates the immune system. It is obvious benefits of green tea? Is there any harm in green tea? These and other questions will try to highlight women's magazine JustLady.

For the beginning of what differ types of tea. In general, all kinds of tea is produced from a single raw material, only with different technological processing of the output is the different types of tea:

• If the maximal oxidative transformations, it turns black tea:
• If oxidative transformations are minimal, it turns green tea;
• At medium - red and black.

Most talk about green tea. However, it is not surprising, because it is about him legendary. For example, there is the ancient Chinese legend, according to whichgreen tea world opened monk Bodhidharma, who is the Buddha himself. But it's all the legends. However, laudatory odes about green tea so much that sometimes sometimes confuse: the benefits of green tea reflected in the fact that it calms the nervous system, or that it is an invigorating effect? In fact - and then, and more. The fact thatproperties of green tea depend on how it is brewed. More precisely - how long it is brewed. If the tea brew for 2 minutes, then it has an invigorating effect; if 5 minutes, then it calms. More than 6 minutes to brew makes no sense - properties of green tea are lost, and it becomes just a drink. Moreover, in the tea leaves do not need to top up the hot water becauseharm green tea in this case will be much stronger than good.

The chemical composition of the green tea

When people talk about the inestimable benefit of green tea is not too far from the truth.The chemical composition of the green teaIts pharmacological and physiological effect of making it one of the most valuable beverage. For example, it contains large amounts of potassium, zinc, fluoride, vitamin K, iodine, nicotinic acid, organic acid, copper, vitamin C, B1, B2, silicon, manganese, phosphorus, sodium, iron, calcium. Also rich tea tea tannin, which consists of a root-knot esters and catechins.

Thanks to the phenolic compounds in green tea beautiful color, astringent taste, it is well quenches thirst. Tannin helps to ensure that the body resists infection and better absorb vitamin C. Catechins are also useful: because of them strengthens the walls of blood vessels, as they are known for their antioxidant properties. Probably, every person knows that tea contains caffeine. Moreover, in the case of dry caffeine more than coffee. The caffeine content in green tea is determined by plant varieties, method of processing the leaves, harvest time and other factors. It should be noted that even if the packaging of tea says "decaffeinated" does not mean that the tea does not contain it - the minimum amount of caffeine in tea is still there.

The benefits of green tea - all about the most famous medicinal drink

The benefits of green tea for the cardio-vascular system

Did you know that green tea is considered to be a good tool for the prevention of cardiovascular disease? So, thanks to this drink arteries become more elastic, reducing the risk of clogging of blood vessels. Moreover, regular consumption of tea reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. Furthermore, green tea improves biochemical indices of blood serum.

The benefits of green tea for colds

For most people it will be opening, but as it turns out, green tea is considered to be an effective prophylactic for influenza and colds. Moreover, if a person due to acute respiratory illness or influenza much fever, he can and should drink green tea, promotes its fall. Green tea has no equal among the other plants on the content of vitamin P, so it can be drunk as a means to strengthen the immune system. Tea with various additives (with lemon, honey, dried raspberry, black pepper, lime blossom, mother and stepmother) is very useful in bronchitis, colds, diseases of the lungs and airways.

The benefits of green tea for the digestive system

Green tea is recommended to drink in diseases of the stomach and intestines, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, colitis. Tea helps to normalize the activity of the enzyme, neutralizes acidity, accelerates metabolism. Furthermore, tea useful for people who can not throw weight under reduced metabolism. Substances contained in green tea stimulate the activity of the intestine, stimulates bile secretion and gastric juice.

Now a little about the harm of green tea. It turns out that for all the benefits of green tea, there are a number of limitations. It is known that green tea will do more harm than good, if it is drunk in unlimited quantities. The fact is that then the kidneys and liver are subjected to additional stress, because they have to produce large amounts of antioxidants from the blood. Therefore, do not exceed the recommended maximum daily dose of green tea, which is 500-600 ml.

Green tea and pressure

And how does green tea on blood pressure? Increases or decreases? People-hypertensive should remember that they can not drink tea in large quantities, that is, in doses exceeding the daily. The fact that a large amount of green tea increases pressure. If drinking green tea in moderation, it lowers blood pressure.

In general, green tea - a storehouse of useful properties, and so we have to treat this wonderful drink, with due respect and gratitude!

Alice Terentyeva

Tags: pressure maintenance, the use of caffeine