Nutrition nursing mother

 Nature and diet nursing mothers is largely determined by the health of children. Human milk contains everything you need to feed the child, and, moreover, in the most favorable form of assimilation. In human milk are immune bodies that protect babies from disease.

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Food nursing mother should contain all essential substances, as well as being delicious and varied. Of particular importance is ensuring its sufficient amount of complete proteins, the daily demand for which is 112 g (including animal protein - 67 grams). The diet should include a nursing mother's milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, meat, fish, eggs, containing all essential amino acids. Recommended various snack dishes, including cheese, sausages, herring (in moderation).
Need nursing mothers in fats such as proteins and (115 grams per day).

Of dietary fats should be preferred butter, rich and retinol-ergokal tsiferolom and unrefined vegetable oil (30 g per day): corn, sunflower, olive and other undesirable nutritional nursing mothers refractory hard-digestible fats (mutton, beef, goose). Part of the milk fat should be replaced emulsified (and therefore easier digestible) fat cream or sour cream.

The daily requirement of nursing mothers in carbohydrates is 400-440 g, but they should be used mainly in the form of polysaccharides contained in vegetables, fruits, berries, as well as cereals, cereal products. Digestible carbohydrates in the form of sugar, honey, jams, compotes, confectionery should not exceed 20% of the total amount of carbohydrates daily diet.

A nursing mother with food must receive adequate amounts of vitamins: thiamine-1, 9 mg per day of riboflavin - 2, 2 mg pyridoxine - 2, 2 mg cyanocobalamin - 4 mg, folacin - 600 mg, niacin - 21 mg ascorbic acid - 80 mg, ritinola - 1500 mcg, a-tocopherol - 15 ME, ergokaltsi-Ferola - 500 ME.

Given the increased need for nursing mothers in vitamins, it is recommended to use fresh vegetables (prepare them to salads). Vegetables, fruits and berries satisfy the need of nursing mothers in ascorbic acid, carotene, folacin, pantothenic acid. Due to these products enriched with these vitamins and breast milk.

In winter and spring, when the significantly reduced amount of ascorbic acid in foods, it is advisable to consume daily broth hips. Source of B vitamins is bread made from wheat flour, buckwheat dishes and oat groats.

Using its wide range of nutritional products, nursing mother receives not only the required amount of vitamins and minerals, which also increased its demand: calcium - 1000 mg per day, phosphorus - 1500 mg, magnesium - 450 mg Iron - 25 mg. The best source of calcium are milk and dairy products. Thus, 100 g of milk calcium is 121 mg per 100 g of cheese - 150 mg per 100 g of cheese Yaroslavl - 869 mg per 100 g of Dutch cheese - 1040 mg. Phosphorus lot in milk and milk products, egg yolk, meat, fish, chicken. Magnesium in the body lactating mother comes from cereals, bread, beans, prunes, eggs, nuts. To meet the need for iron is useful to use the liver, tongue, egg yolk, beef, cheese, cottage cheese, rye bread, apples. Nursing mother recommended daily intake of about 2, 5 liters of fluid, including not less than 0, 5 liters of milk. The formation of breast milk help to sweet fruit, black currant juice, honey, sour cream, Dutch cheese, liquid brewer's yeast.

It is important to organize the diet. A nursing mother should eat at least 5 times a day: a hearty breakfast, light lunch, a hearty meal, less hearty dinner; 2 hours before bedtime - a glass of yogurt or kefir. The basic amount of foods rich in protein (meat, fish, eggs) should be included in breakfast, lunch and dinner is better to eat dairy products, vegetables, cereals dishes.

It is necessary to avoid overeating. Slight systematic overeating leads to weight gain. The need for a nursing mother to the average energy is 2800 kJ.

Women who are breastfeeding a child should not consume any alcoholic beverages, including beer, as they pass into breast milk and are dangerous for the health of the child, even in very small quantities.

Author: Anatoly Pashustin

Tags: dish, acid, food