Losing weight with the help of herbs?

 For those who want to lose weight and who hardly given restriction in food, there are good helpers - herbal fees that increase metabolism and reduce appetite. On them we'll talk.

There are two types of people who want to lose weight: first - those who are obese, while the latter - people with normal weight, but striving to constantly improving. Among the ladies dominated the second when reading glossy magazines.

How to determine the degree of obesity? Obesity is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) of this "epidemic" that spanned more than half the world's population.

Furthermore, obesity is changing the quality of life, it causes a number of serious diseases. Another thing is that, following the aesthetics of today's "90-60-90", a modern woman is often seeking to lose weight, even if is sustainable 46th clothing size envy and obese friends.

Determine obesity simple: it is, if the waist is greater than in the bulk of 80 cm (female), and 94 cm - in men. In the event that normal weight 1-5 kg ​​or higher, then nothing to worry about.

In an effort to lose pounds slender women make up half of the total weight losing weight. The reason for that - the fashion for eternal youth, slender, white-toothed, gladkokozhest and other characteristics of a healthy lifestyle. Reasons to lose weight - all different, butthere are general rules that must be followed.

First. Must be a strong desire to help enter into a state of excitement. We must not be adjusted to the rapid starvation, and a complete overhaul of the diet - and, for the rest of life. Only this makes sense, but in this case the victim will not be in vain.

Secondly. How to choose the right diet? Patients should lose weight under strict control and the scheme nutritionist consultation with which it is desirable even for sports people who want to lose 3-5 pounds.

The doctor can warn you of fashionable protein Atkins diet, which is harmful to the kidneys. The physician will explain that in the diet not only decreases blood cholesterol, participates in the formation of plaques (so-called low-density lipoprotein), but its useful forms that protect blood vessels from atherosclerosis. In this connection, the proportion of fat in the diet should not be less than 20-25%.

In addition, the diet - is the risk associated with vitamin deficiency, lack of essential trace elements, it is - and stress on the body that results in a bad mood and irritability. Upon cancellation of the diet to lose weight a person returns to his place in even greater numbers. It is important to know the fact that glucose - the main source of food for the brain, and people sitting on a rigid diet, disturbed concentration and ability to think clearly.

So, what should be the diet? Not less than 1/3 should consist of plant products: vegetables, fruits and legumes. Meat or fish is enough 150-200 g per day. Dairy products can be used with low fat content.

Allowed a little treat yourself vegetable oil and butter. Give up sugar, white bread, mayonnaise, canned food and industrial products, frankfurters and sausages that contain unnecessary additives in the form of sugar, fat and preservatives.

A resounding "no" to tell habits! Replace the yellow low-fat cheese on white. Nothing fry in oil, just bake or cook in a little water. Desserts - fresh fruit! Eat in a certain rhythm, the daily rate by dividing into equal portions, 5-6 receptions. Do not hurry with the results, the optimal weight loss is 2 pounds per month, no more.

For those who are barely given restriction in food, there are good helpers - a herbal fees that increase metabolism and reduce appetite.

Little about herbs:

1. Herbs that reduce appetite, there are two ways: one envelop the gastric wall mucus formed or swell in the stomach and gives a feeling of satiety: flax seeds, spirulina algae, marshmallow root of the ordinary, angelica drug and others.

2. Herbs excretes the excess fluid that is contained in the fatty tissues: Horsetail, bearberry, knot-grass, cowberry leaves, cinquefoil goose.

3. Grass, reducing peristalsis and excrete residues from the body: buckthorn bark, fennel scented, cumin seed, anise ordinary.

4. Herbs that increase metabolism and burn excess fat; corn silk, small duckweed, Cyprus angustifolia, Leuzea.

Collection slimming looks like a mixture of herbs - from each group to the same species. One tablespoon of the mixture, pour a glass of water and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes. Take tool - 3 times a day for 1/3 cup half an hour before meals. The course of treatment - 2 months.

Even more convenient to take the finished medicinal collection for weight loss. In pharmacies sell a variety of teas helper for weight loss, most of which are made in China. But domestic herbal teas have advantage over them: they consist of herbs growing in the middle zone and the most suitable for us, living here.

Tags: appetite, grass, losing weight, google, burning, collection, Agapkin