Lose Weight on a horoscope

Lose Weight on a horoscope
 Almost every one of us would not refuse to lose a couple of extra pounds. What kind of diet can help us in this? A variety of different meal plans is simply amazing. Here and blood group diet and carbohydrate-free diet, and mono-diet ... There are even special dietary recommendations drawn up according to the signs of the zodiac. So, losing weight on a horoscope!

As you know, all the signs of the zodiac is divided into four elements: Signs Air, Water, Fire and Earth. By Air signs are Aquarius, Libra and Gemini. Representatives of these characters have a very light "air" disposition. They are quite sociable and like to be in the noisy company. Aquarius, Libra and Gemini rarely have problems with slow metabolism, so stick to a strict diet they have a specific need. Nutritionists recommend Air signs adhere to the concept of fractional power, that is to consume food in small portions every two hours. The main danger for air signs is that they often do not eat because they are hungry, but only "for the company." Nutritionists advise such people to go with chips and crackers on the useful fruits, such as citrus fruits. Aquarius recommended to consume foods containing vitamin D, for example, herbs, milk and so on.

Representatives of the earth element (Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo) often suffer from digestive diseases. By its nature, the representatives of these characters quite slowly and thoroughly and often lead a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to a gradual weight gain. Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus recommended diet from plant foods and dairy products. Sometimes you can afford boiled meat or fish.

Representatives of the element of fire (Sagittarius, Aries and Lions) - this is a very passionate. Most people who were born under the signs of fire, can not imagine my life without meat. Nutritionists recommend Sagittarius, Aries and Leos lean on lean meat with a side dish of vegetables (onions, carrots, tomatoes).

Finally, representatives of the Water element most other characters have problems with excess weight. The fact is, people born under the signs of Pisces and Scorpios Rakov, very emotional and easily get depressed. Nutritionists recommend these people to eat diuretic foods, such as green tea. Also include in the diet of tuna and potatoes are rich in potassium. Do not forget the fruits and vegetables.

Tags: horoscope, diet, sign, zodiac