Laws of beauty: tea diet

Laws of beauty: tea diet
 Already for more than one century, tea has a variety of useful properties. Thus, for example, green tea is not only tones, promotes weight loss and, therefore, it is possible to make a major component of the diet.
 Due to the fact that its composition contains catechins Green tea enhances metabolism and fat splitting process. In addition, a tea diet can also improve health as well as green tea has a positive effect on dental health, improves the function of the kidneys and liver, as well as lowers cholesterol.

Subject to the tea diet should not forget about some of the characteristic features of her. First of all, its effectiveness will depend directly on tea, so that preference should be given to high-quality natural leaf green tea, which is much more useful than tea bags. At day three mugs sufficient drinking the beverage, but if it is rather weak, it is possible to drink more.

Among a variety of tea diets is the most rigorous method, which involves the use of only one tea. It promotes weight loss, some dietitians prescribe it in diseases such as enterocolitis, acute gastritis. However, as this is considered to be a kind of relief, its duration should not exceed one day, and repeat it can be no more than once or twice a week. It is also worth noting that conduct such a diet is best in days off work and its compliance with wage moderate physical activity without increased stress.

Basic rules less strict diet tea - drink green tea every day, and limit consumption of fatty foods, baked goods and sweets. While all other foods, including meat, fish, eggs and dairy products is possible. It should also be noted that the subject of the power system can drink herbal teas or herbal infusions, as well as non-carbonated water.

The duration of this procedure is necessary to regulate weight loss depending on how much tea consumed daily. If the number is 5 mugs, the diet should be no more than two weeks, and repeat it will be possible only after six months. If the diet is more forgiving, its duration can be 2 months. By the way, it was a two-month diet gives a more pronounced and persistent effect.

Tags: system, beauty, tea, diet, nutrition, weight loss, technique