How to recognize a fake diet?

How to recognize a fake diet?
 Lose a couple of extra pounds almost every woman dreams of. Here are just some of this to take drastic measures: heavily involved in sports, sitting on a strict diet; while others just think about it, looking at her reflection in the mirror and gobbling up another pie with potatoes. This category of women and falls into the trap of false distributors diets.
 The category of false diets are those diets that promise to lose "5 kg for 3 days! "Guaranteeing 100% result. Of course, there are women who receive it, but that's about the consequences of many silent. Speaking of fake diets, it is worth remembering and the effect of "pendulum" by which dropped pounds come back with a vengeance.
What have fake diet features?

The duration of the diet. A large number of dropped pounds with a minimum suggests that diet can be attributed to the false discharge. Weight loss in this case is due to excretion of water and protein, but not fat.

Having a single product serving as based element. For example, buckwheat, rice, yogurt. Every day, the body needs a certain amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates and minerals. A single product delivery cope with them one can not.

Diet, built on a reduced calorie food. For the normal functioning of the body on a daily basis it needs about 2000-3000 calories. Consuming, according to the diet of 400-1000, you can get not only the eating disorder but also a general malaise, insomnia and depression.

Having a large number of products with a carbohydrate (or, conversely, fats). The body must receive a balanced diet and deficiency of certain substances leads to impaired functioning of the genitourinary, digestive and nervous systems.

"Star" diet. Most often they include exotic foods or dishes prepared according to a special recipe, repeat that many can not afford.

How not to be mistaken with a choice of diet? What products should be present in the menu without fail? And what are the basic principles of a balanced diet?

Choosing diet, primarily note its composition. The presence of integrated products, such as bread, rice, necessarily. Number of meals per day should be at least 5-6, because it is better to eat often, but in small portions. Make sure that breakfast was the most nutritious, because of the foods eaten before 10 am, the body derives more benefit.

Try to drink a day 1, 5-2 liters of clean water. The human body is designed so that as it accepts only the liquid water, all else tea, soup, juice etc., It is identified as food.

And of course, do not forget about exercise. What will it be, everyone decides for himself. The main thing that you have received from her only positive emotions. Some prefer training in the gym, others do not run away a couple of kilometers along the forest path, and others engaged in Arabic dance. However, for all the advice can be only one: to practice regularly. Occasional races in the fitness club will not give the desired result.

 Author: Elena Shchukin