How to make a husband to lose weight

How to make a husband to lose weight
 Often men look after their health is much less than women. But more attention to themselves they may well encourage wives. For example, the right actions wife can help her husband to adjust your weight as for medical and aesthetic reasons.  
 To start think about how his wife actually need weight loss. Persuade him to weigh in, check its growth and calculate body mass index (BMI). To do this, divide your weight in kilograms by height in Metakhim squared. If the index is 25 or below, the weight of your husband is quite correct, and he does not need to lose weight. But at the same time keep in mind that if your spouse muscle development, it washes the index to be normal and index more than 25.

If BMI husband corresponds to the index of human obesity, it is necessary to induce him to lose weight. Try delicately discuss the problem. Rests primarily not on the shortcomings of the appearance - it can hurt him - and a possible health risk. Purchase in the store or take in the library one of the many books devoted to obesity and its danger to the body. Best of all, if the author is a doctor - the credibility of this edition will be higher. Rests on the fact that the most dangerous is not the fat that is deposited under the skin, but one that is not visible to man and covers his organs, disrupts the blood vessels. If the husband does not want to sit on a rigid diet, explain that men are much better to lose weight through exercise. This may please him more.

Wife can do a lot, even if the husband, in spite of everything does not want to lose weight deliberately. For example, a step toward health and harmony will be a change in the family diet. You can prepare delicious meals without the calories. Start small. Go to the use of fatty meat to lean - chicken fillets without skin, pork without fat. Instead of frying and baking, use extinguishing. Instead of mashed potatoes for garnish use other vegetables that loves her husband. Discard the fat sauces such as mayonnaise. Salad dressing with oil, vinegar or a mixture of yogurt with mustard. With the right preparation, the use of spices and considering the opinion of the wife of your kitchen did not lose the taste, but it would be more beneficial to health and promotes weight loss.

Also, if the husband is not able to properly eat at work, cook his meals with them useful. It will be much more useful for a figure than snacks, and fast food.

For many men, the "cornerstone" of weight loss becomes beer. The habit of drinking it regularly difficult to give up, but its high calorie content in combination with fatty snacks will hinder the normalization of weight. Here you can also apply the scientific arguments. Remind her husband that in beer contain phytoestrogens, which lead not only to obesity of female type, but also the risk of hormonal disorders in all spheres, including sex. In many men, this argument is sobering.

Tags: weight, husband, fight, completeness