How thin Nicole Richie. Height and weight Nicole Richie

How thin Nicole Richie. Height and weight Nicole Richie
 Stars of show business - public people, and no change in their personal life or appearance does not go unnoticed. It is necessary to repaint the star hair, it immediately appears on the front pages of newspapers. And if it is completely changing the image, there's the attention she secured a long time.

And often difficult to determine what is true, and that - leisured fiction.
With one of these cases, we try to understand.
How thin Nicole Richie - The theme of today's story in the pages of women's magazine JustLady.

Nicole Richie: anorexia

As a teenager, Nicole was quite well-fed girl. And all would do, but she was lucky to be formally adopted daughter famous musician Lionel Richie and get hold of in the godfathers of Michael Jackson. In such a situation it is difficult to stay in the shade, especially since she was invited on television, and one of the most scandalous socialite and childhood friend Paris Hilton Nicole literally made his confidante.

Evil tongues say that this friendship is beneficial tricky Peris, ostensibly against the background bbw Nicole she seems even more elegant and charming. How can you not suffer the poor girl? And Nicole is called, took up the matter seriously.

After a short period of time the world's publications and the Internet held the same question "How thin Nicole Richie? ". And the truth of the short-legged bbw Nicole for a few weeks turned into a petite girl with huge eyes and graceful figure.

In another time, she surprised everyone with its thinness and extremely emaciated look. Nicole herself claimed that the blame for this trouble in his personal life that strong emotions strongly influence its weight.

However, the press became suspicious and surmised thatNicole Richie anorexia. Diagnosis unpleasant, and for the "action" Star directly threatening her career. Official medical confirmation of the diagnosis was not followed, and as for the star itself, then, according toNicole Richie, anorexia, Bulimia and other passions - this is not about her.

Yet this statement raises some doubts. If we recall that after the birth of their daughter, Nicole said that the baby saved her life, and the press blew with one voice "with anorexia Nicole Richie finished! ".

Anorexia was or not, but the parameters of stars is impressive:

Height Nicole Richie - 155 cm
Weight Nicole Richie - 38-42 kg (according to different sources)

Diet Nicole Richie

And yet, in some leaked rumors about the specialdiet Nicole Richie. It is alleged that nutritionists worked with her long and hard, picked up and tried many different diets. What were the diet, nowhere is not reported in detail, but there is one fact that has become known to the public and is the code name "Diet Nicole Richie". Actually, it's not even a diet, but a series of fasting days (three consecutive days each month) when diet Nicole was as follows:

Breakfast. Hard-boiled egg without the addition of salt, coffee cup unsweetened green tea.
Lunch Time. A serving of low-fat cottage cheese (0, 2 kg), a cup of tea without sugar.
Dinner. At 17.00. The same as in the lunch.

Agree, diet, to put it mildly, bednovat, and need to have a great willpower to withstand such a flogging for three days, and even every month.
No wonder if this menu Nicole Richie really earned itself anorexia.

How thin Nicole Richie. Height and weight Nicole Richie

How thin Nicole Richie

However, this was not the last time, when the star struck fans and detractors rapid change image. After the birth of her daughter she recovered, and all held their breath, waiting to see what she will do next: leave yourself very seductive shape or start losing weight again.

Long did not have to guess. Just two weeks after giving birth, Nicole appeared on the social event in a very elegant dress and all open again wonderedhow thin Nicole Richie in such a short time.

At this time, the star did not hide anything.Diet Nicole Richie postpartum consisted of a variety of fruits (especially she leaned on watermelon and mango), fresh and stewed vegetables, fish, steamed.

Now, when Nicole Richie gave birth to her second child, she manages to keep yourself in good shape. Star said it now will ensure a healthy diet, his family and his own. Proven sources say that Nicole burst into farming itself grows organic produce.

Hopefully, nowDiet Nicole Richie we will be associated only with a healthy diet, and all will be forgotten as it attributed to anorexia.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: Star Ambassador, diet, setting a celebrity weight loss, Nicole