Harm from popular diets obvious

Harm from popular diets obvious
 The more effective the diet, so it is popular. But for this efficiency is always a big risk to harm your health. There are many reasons, most of the problem lies in the selection of the wrong diet, because their own account for all factors affecting weight loss or weight gain is not possible. To cope with it only a professional.
 Many women go to unreasonable sacrifices for the sake of a quick effect. However, forcing myself to sit next to an extreme diet, we do not change and neither lifestyle nor food culture or habit. Often the argument "for" a new diet becomes extraordinary transformation girlfriend / sister / celebrity who argues that this diet helped her lose weight. It is possible that diet really helped, but in 90% of cases you will find a bitter disappointment because you can not operate it.

Damage from severe extreme diets, which include the most popular ones, is obvious:

- Austerity diet breaks food culture. Sitting on a new diet, many are beginning to use those products to which earlier and did not touch. It is often necessary to exclude those products, which are accustomed to eating. Power through the power failure plus the desired result in extreme stress. Motivation is sharply falls and breaks a man, picking up the lost weight with a slight weight gain;

- Not taking into account peculiarities of his body, you can start to use the products recommended by the originator diet that is absolutely contraindicated to use it in your case. These contraindications are allergy and chronic diseases, whose flow can go in an acute stage during such a diet;

- The moral is very difficult to comply with strict regulations when it is necessary to prepare the food for the household. So to the pangs of hunger and added a strong temptation, which can overcome not everyone even the most strong-willed;

- One-sidedness of the diet diet certainly lead to disruption of metabolic processes, most often to a slower metabolism, vitamin deficiencies, osteoporosis, impaired water and salt balance.

As you can see, the effects of popular diets can be very sad. Therefore, we recommend:

1. Before you go on a diet, carefully read all the conditions that must be met, assess their capabilities and features of your body and you should consult with a dietitian.

2. Always remember that the best diet - not the one you recommended a friend or you read in a fashion magazine, and one that will help you get rid of extra pounds for a long time without relapse, nervous breakdowns and food.

 Author: Alexander Garankin

Tags: diet, harm