Golden Needle Fly

 Method doctor Mukhina called Golden Needle approved and approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia. This - the main evidence of its safety, efficacy and high professional level. In addition to stunning results with respect to the loss of body weight (20-40 kg and it is!), The drug contributes to the overall improvement and complete purification of the human body.

In the category Health: Breast Implants

To live with being overweight - then put yourself in danger not only of physiological diseases, but also psychological discomfort. This is especially true of patients whose weight has turned into obesity. Self-assessment has been steadily declining in the morning with pain people looking in the mirror, increasing dissatisfaction with their appearance ... Hence - the closest way to acquire new pounds, and hence to disease. However, the best way is not hard diet and they are able to destroy the body and affect the mental health of even more. To significantly reduce the weight, it is necessary not just to want it, and tune into a serious fight. Very important qualitatively new approach to weight loss. Certainly, there are balanced, thoughtful diet that can really help people with overweight. However, they are unlikely to be effective if the weight passed the mark of 100 kilograms and more. Such patients may be recommended to experience the method Fly. 

Golden Needle Fly involves complex treatment. During the impact on the body is getting better right metabolism varies the ratio of patients to the consumption of food. Occurs a number of processes:
- Correction of weight;
- Establishing a normal level of metabolism;
- Lifting and skin rejuvenation;
- Control over the activity of the enzyme system;
- Loss of appetite.

Mariyat Mukhin called his method "Golden Needle". This is indeed the needle, but not easy, and a special design, in addition, it is unusual and injected. Impact Golden needle is biologically active in the stimulation points are arranged on the human body, in particular on the auricle. Yes, it is acupuncture, but Mukhina made in this well-known for thousands of years, many of the new method, a. The needle is constructed so that two points - hunger and thirst - connected to form a therapeutic channel. This channel generates pulses that enhance the process of lipolysis and on the whole very positive effect on health. Moreover, the impact of the Golden Needle is almost unlimited in time - it can act on the acupressure points as much time as needed to complete recovery.

DoctorMukhina together with specially trained professionals it a few years brought his method to perfection, and todayGolden Needle has gained immense popularity. Customers arriving at the reception in the clinic are examined to identify possible contraindications. If there are none - the patient is placed on a special ear earring, in addition to her man gives detailed instruction on proper nutrition during the treatment and care of medical earrings. Compliance with all instructions and recommendations of doctors - a precondition for successful results.

Among these recommendations - a specific food regime: do not eat pasta, potatoes, bread, sugar; eat should be strictly by the hour; adhere to clear the sleep and wakefulness; nothing ever eat after 6 pm, and so on. d. Therefore, this method is not suitable for people who, for example, work in night shifts or long hours and do not have the ability to adhere to a strict regime.

After installing the Golden Needle the patient comes to the clinic 45 days - to the doctor saw the effectiveness of treatment, performed corporal acupuncture (which will result in tightening of the skin) and gave advice and recommendations for further treatment. Further clinic visits will occur every six months for as long until it is fully cured.

Opinions of patients who have experienced theGolden needle FlyContradictory: some sing her praises and are in the euphoria of the results, while others believe that there is nothing special about this method is not. Before deciding to resort to a method of treating Fly - again consider and weigh all the "pros" and "cons", check with your doctor.

Olga Moses
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: gold, diet, plant, fly