Fractional power - how to hang in grams

Fractional power - how to hang in grams
 Fractional power can not be considered a diet in the sense in which we are accustomed to understand this word. There are no severe restrictions in the choice of products, there are no strict rules of supply. The only thing, why at such a diet can be tiring - the need to move the jaws every few hours. Women's magazine JustLady today talk about the essence of a fractional power.

First, a few words about who fits such a diet.Split meals designed for people patient, punctual, strong-willed, disciplined. If the power is strictly by the hour does not suit you - that this diet is not for you. If you are not patient, could not resist and can not follow the rules established by itself - it is a diet is not for you. If you know that you are very much into nature, capable of a time to eat cake, and then long to be surprised, angry over what this could happen, you also do not fit such a diet. Well, if you are inclined to pedantry and love rituals, thesplit meals be sure you'll be pleased. Fractional power is unusual in that it is necessary to abandon the traditional schemes - breakfast, lunch and dinner. Instead, you need to eat small meals at least five times a day. As for diet, exclude any particular type of products do not need, just should focus only on the consumption of healthy foods. And since you do not have to give up their eating habits.

What is the fractional power

The main advantage of such a diet - reducing the amount of calories consumed per day. The fact that the more time passes between meals, the stronger the human hunger. Accordingly, the more he eats. More precisely, we overeat because of the strong hunger people are simply unable to stop. If between meals will be a short period, then the person will not be so go for food. It turns out that the body, which is constantly fed, you need 15% less calories than the one that is hungry. By the way, this manifests itself is another advantage of fractional power: it differs from strict diets, in which had to starve. It turns out that people eat less, consume fewer calories, but it does not feel hunger. If you love to read and count all, this diet is for you.

A few important points that you must understand:

• Despite the fact that there are severe restrictions on the choice of products, you should not deceive yourself into thinking that you can eat only bread rolls, cakes, pies and other goodies. The same applies to semi-finished products and fast food. Even if you do will have a very small portions, proper nutrition is anything but.
• Good chew food, not distracted by reading, TV or something else. Think about the taste of what you eat, enjoy every bite - so it will do you good.
• Always keep the plate calorie foods, because even the most harmless, in your opinion, the product can be very nutritious.
• Eat every day, several servings of fresh fruits and vegetables. These are the gifts of nature are low in calories, but a lot of vitamins, minerals, fiber and carbohydrates. They are well satisfy hunger and are very helpful.
• Do not fry foods in margarine and butter: it is better to bake in the oven and cook for a couple.
• Every day, drink 8 glasses of water, if you set out to lose weight, it is the surest way to succeed.
• Do not take breaks between meals more than three hours. The main essence of the fractional power as JustLady magazine wrote above, that man has never experienced a strong sense of hunger, and was always full.
• Do not deny yourself the pleasure to eat sweets - in one of the meals you might as well treat yourself with a piece of chocolate, jelly or something else.

The use of fractional power

Fractional power is very useful, it even appoint gastroenterologists. Indeed, such a diet is good for people who suffer from gastritis, peptic ulcer disease or colitis. When a person eats small portions, it does not overeat, does not overload the gastrointestinal tract and the blood sugar level is maintained at a stable level.

What You Can Eat

Remember once burgers, burgers and other fast food, chips, nuts and chocolates will not work. To eat, you can eat muesli or cereal, yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese, vegetable and fruit salads, bread or whole grain bread. Your daily diet should be sufficient amount of vitamins, essential fatty acids and trace elements.

Menu fractional power

Breakfast at a fractional power should include more carbohydrates, for example, you can use any cereal. Also at breakfast you can eat bananas and other carbohydrate foods. For lunch and dinner you can eat fish, dietary meat, vegetable salads or hot vegetable dishes. Between meals, you must snack salads, fruits, vegetables, natural yoghurt. Remember, and that the body needs natural fats of vegetable origin - such as olive oil.

If you want to lose weight, then align the split meals with reasonable physical exercise. Journal JustLady hopes that these tips will help you to decide on the score for this diet.

Alice Terentyeva

Tags: product, diet, food, gram