Express diet or how to lose weight in a matter of days?

 Want to lose weight for a few days to look stunning on an important event? Read about the possible methods of weight loss in a matter of days in the new women's magazine article JustLady.

In the category Fitness: dance aerobics

Express DietAs the transport of the same name, should take us to the desired destination in a short time, that is much shorter than those that offer the usual transport or plain, LP diet. The pages of magazines and online publications are full of suggestions to lose weight in a week or even a couple of days.
And indeed, that may be relevant on the eve of the solemn event, when it is necessary to get into an evening dress or before the holiday, when a swimsuit in the closet is a silent reproach to your far ascetic lifestyle.

But it is worth remembering that knowingly short-term diets are called "Express". The effect of these same runs as fast as it occurs. Furthermore, reuseexpress diet can not bring that result. Body gets used to reduce the number of calories consumed, and, like a camel, keeps the fat cells, preventing them from short-soluble blow to the daily diet.

But all these disadvantages do not outweigh the obvious advantages - lose five or six pounds in two weeks or three or four a week, it all depends on the individual, really. Of course, if you do not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or disruptions in the endocrine system. Therefore, before starting any diet is advisable to consult with your doctor.

We give as an example the most popular andExpress simple dietWho have earned a popularity among women and men around the world. Which are not complicated to implement and does not require the presence of refined products and those sold in any supermarket.

Express buckwheat diet

This is one of the most popular varieties of mono-diet. That is, a diet based on one hand, a maximum of two products.

Buckwheat prepare to eat the next day with the evening. Fill the cup buckwheat two cups of boiling water, cover with a tight lid and leave overnight. In the morning we can start. Buckwheat and buckwheat only. Any amount of oil and no salt. Wash down with low-fat yogurt. Herbal or green tea, water-all of which can be present in your diet during the buckwheat diet. If you can last a week - guaranteed effect minus three or four pounds. Two weeks - still minus two pounds.

Express diet kefir

Among the advantages of kefir diet is necessary to allocate the main thing - the beneficial effects of yogurt on the gastrointestinal tract.
Sit on kefir diet can be up to 9 days. So, mandatory component - yogurt. The first three days to kefir can add boiled rice, the next three days instead of rice - boiled chicken and the last three days - apples in any quantity. Effect - from three to six pounds in the red.

Express watermelon diet

Version of the diet of the season, but relevant for the first autumn months. Watermelon - a great diuretic, perfectly cleanses and flushes the body of toxins and salts. But these properties manifest the greatest berries, if you use it alone, and not as a main dessert food intake.

So breakfast consists of cereal and low-fat cheese without bread and butter.

Lunch - boiled fish or meat, steamed vegetables.

Dinner replace watermelon. Proportion - 1 kg of watermelon per 30 kg of body weight

During the five days of such diet reset of five kilograms.

Express strict diet

Pretty hard version of the diet. For those who easily experiencing restrictions in food, as well as those who are very well need to lose three to five pounds a week.

Breakfast. Boiled egg, and any drink without sugar.

Lunch Time. Boiled meat or fish and a salad of fresh vegetables, seasoned with lemon juice.

Dinner. Herbal tea.

Express-diet chocolate

Special option for those who can not imagine life without sweets and coffee. Take chocolate, preferably dark, it is less calories and divide the 100-gram tile on the day. In three meals Eat chocolate, drinking a cup of coffee with skim milk (without sugar!). Three days on chocolate diet will help you lose about three pounds.

And do not forget the rules, obligatory for all express diets. During any diet eliminate salt and sugar, carbonated drinks, alcohol. We wish you find your, effective diet.
Be beautiful!

Marina Sun
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: chicken, meat, yogurt, diet, weight loss, rapid