Eat and lose weight: diet - day yesterday?

 Usually accompanied by weight loss to strict diets, counting calories each got a mouth piece and other painful procedures. Is it possible to do without such severe restrictions? Weight loss strategy may be different. Someone is not enough for dinner after 18 hours to quickly lose those extra pounds, others have to wage a long and persistent struggle with their own weight. However it is better not to fight with him, and try to understand themselves and find a common language with my body.

Given the experience of traditional medicine, modern science, practical advice, it is possible to lose weight without spending much.

Know beasts measure

Have you ever thought about why wild animals never get fat? Natural instinct tells them how much you need to eat to satisfy hunger, recharge your batteries. And what about the people? When the brain sends a signal that is quite quench hunger, we still continue to tuck into with gusto. And often through force, because - delicious.

Those who want to lose weight, you need to be able to distinguish hunger from appetite. Hunger - this is when you want to eat at all, and appetite - when it wanted out the roasted pizza. Excuse for a bite to eat - hunger. And his appetite should be able to control it.

Horoscope 2008 - Libra, Sagittarius and others.

To make things easy, exclude from your diet snacks, which stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and increase appetite. If you want sweets, eat a spoonful of honey instead of candy, a little dried figs or dates.

It is necessary to get enough sleep

Lack of sleep makes it difficult to control their weight. Scientists have found that in the case of fatigue in the body is lowered levels of leptin - a special protein that regulates appetite, and accordingly, and our body weight.

This means:if you regularly enough sleep, the feeling of hunger increases and slower burn stored calories. Because increased levels nedosypanija cortisone hormone, for this reason the body's need for carbohydrates increases, which leads to fat accumulation.

Chocolate at the wrong time

People who eat chocolate on a completely empty stomach, more likely to develop psychological dependence from this candy. Do not forget that hunger improves the taste of any high-calorie foods, and in this state is absorbed by the food more than it should. Completely exclude chocolate from your diet does not mean it is better to lay up for dessert. Those who eat chocolate in half an hour after meals, less likely to feast on them later.

As "stars"

Those wishing to lose weight should increase physical activity. Classical obligatory morning gymnastics and sports (running, swimming, walking). "Stars" this is not forgotten. Madonna morning gymnastics devotes at least an hour, and then makes a run many kilometers.

A famous Jane Fonda, and in old age follow the figure - has been walking, riding a bike at least two hours. Actress Vera Glagoleva after 40 maintains excellent shape thanks to a run. In short, among the domestic and foreign celebrities there are examples to follow.

Tendency to corpulence

It is known that a particular tendency to gain weight occurs during puberty, pregnancy and menopause. During menopause, when there is hormonal changes, the process of "burning" in the body decays. If during this period give up and lead a sedentary lifestyle, avoid active movements, throw sports exercises and do not follow the diet, very soon you can stout.

It's all about color

Nutritionists and psychologists have shown that the color of dishes, from which we eat greatly affects the appetite. Wishing to lose weight should be put on the table a blue plate. Cold colors - blue and green - suppress appetite.

The larger dish, and the food on it impose more. The more food in front of us, the more and eat. People who give large portions, usually everything and eat, even if the food and they do not particularly like. Make it a rule to leave food on your plate, do not eat the whole batch, for a quarter of the figure donate food. Thus, you starved about 400 kcal per day, which is almost 10 kg per year.

Only dry or red

Be careful to drink alcohol in them plenty of calories, but little use. Allow yourself to two glasses of dry white or red wine per week, but forget the sweet cocktails or vodka. At first a lot of sugar, and the second is based on wheat, and also very high in calories.

Without haste!

Do not forget that the signal of saturation comes from the stomach to the brain for 20 minutes. If you will eat slowly, you will eat less and. Never eat directly from your desk - seeing in front of piles of papers and unfinished work, we begin to hurry up and quickly swallow food. And after a while, not separating from hunger appetite, rush to the store for bread rolls, chocolates ...

We're losing control TV

Do not sit down to a meal in front of the TV! With this habit, you are putting yourself at risk twice. Firstly, our brain associates with food and television because there is always pulls while watching TV whether we are hungry or full.
Secondly, since the focus is still not on the food you eat all that brought with them, even if it is filled.

The brain at that time occupied by another business and can not control the process of saturation. So, unbeknownst to ourselves, we remain vigilant and enthusiastic events on the screen, can easily umyat a box of chocolates, a few sandwiches.

Try to eat in one place, no matter what without being distracted. If you combine other activities, the meal will take place unconsciously and inevitably lead to overeating and eat the wrong foods.

Price smiles

There are many explanations for why some people lose weight in the mountain, and others - are fattening. Tendency to be overweight can have psychological reasons. There is a type of women who are used to "jam" their bad mood. For other food becomes an escape from family conflicts, troubles at work, the cure for depression.

Nutritionists point out that the "flight to food" - a phenomenon quite common. Negative emotions, as you know, health is not added, but the extra weight of grief can occur.

Most women need about 1, 5 kg of food per day, to feel the saturation. If you eat less food, you always want to have. To avoid hunger and not gain excess weight, eat foods rich in fiber and water, but contains few calories.

For example, grapefruit 90% water and contains only 78 calories. Fiber-rich foods not only provides the volume, but also longer to digest, causing a prolonged feeling of satiety. In general, you can do without the hassle of starvation and a strict diet. And to lose weight!

Inna Yining

Tags: diet, nutrition, hunger