Diet Victoria Beckham

 Looking at the TV screen, it is difficult to imagine how much force is applied screen stars - actresses, TV personalities, famous singer - to always look slim and fit. But strange to hear that diets need one of the most slender stars of show business - Victoria Beckham. Women's magazine JustLady introduce you to some of the methods resorted to Victoria to save the graceful figure.

Under the heading Lose Weight Together: Diet Mayo, celery soup

You probably know that in addition to the fact that this amazing woman is a very popular figure and a famous singer, she also has three sons. Even one pregnancy is able to strike the figure, to say nothing of three. And, nevertheless, Victoria looks very toned and attractive.

Just want to say that do not quite agree with some of the methods of weight loss from Mrs. Beckham, but the last word, of course, is up to you.

Being in a state of constant struggle with weight,Victoria Beckham tried a few different ways.

One of the most severe but also the most effectivediet Victoria Beckham actress says eating raw fish (sashimi) and berries. More, as you know, there is nothing impossible.

There is no doubt that the fish is very useful. It contains phosphorus, fat soluble vitamins, essential for the organism, selenium, and 30% protein. But in the meantime, raw fish is not safe. There are similar dishes can be only in special Japanese restaurants that have a good reputation and extensive experience in the preparation of these dishes.

Otherwise, together with raw fish in the body can get parasites that live and develop well in the human body and get rid of them is very difficult. In addition to raw fish is a substance that destroys the useful vitamin B1, required for proper operation of the heart, brain and nervous system.

It is clear that even in the presence of wild diet hardly save the situation. So, you should think carefully before you try the effect of this diet for yourself.

Anotherdiet by Victoria BeckhamNot so radical, so you can try it completely.

Diet designed for four meals per day.
For breakfast, you are invited to eat a couple of toast and drank a cup of tea without sugar.
Lunch will appreciate diversity. You can eat a serving of fruit salad. To make it, choose fruits rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, tangerines, kiwi. You can also use apples, pears, pineapple and other fruits and berries. What you should avoid, because it is from bananas and grapes.

For lunch, prepare a portion of chicken breast, pre-clearing it away from the skin. No sauce is better not to eat. But, to meat dishes is quite possible to add a little steamed or roasted vegetables. The main rule - do not eat too much.

Dinner - your last meal. You can eat a portion of grilled vegetables or a cup of green salad. For variety, add a bit of cheese. Meat for dinner is not necessary, but if you want, you are allowed to eat for dinner a little shrimp that will add to the evening portion of the diet of protein.

After three days of such a diet is not out of place to clean the bowel. To do this, prepare a drink of fresh grapefruit juice and mineral water without gas. Drink this mixture three times a day.

According to the statement of Victoria, if a cleaning done regularly, it can be quite worried about the amount of food eaten, the main thing - do not overeat.

As you can see, this option is more gentle. Here there and proteins found in meat and seafood, and healthy fats, vitamins and minerals derived from fruits and vegetables.
 But still, this diet does not apply to long, so do not zealous for too long.

And finally, the third version of the diet ofVictoria Beckham.
This method at first sight raises no objections, and is more like a system of healthy eating. But on closer inspection, there are minuses here.

What is this method? It's pretty simple: dishes that you're going to use should be prepared only for a couple.
This method of cooking is very useful: preserves most vitamins and minerals do not need add oil for cooking. However, some products should be discarded.

The first is, of course, sugar. Lack of sugar much damage you do not naseet, and so it is sufficient found in vegetables. A garlic that you too can be used, generally considered one of the "sugar" products, bitterness he added essential oils.

Victoria also advised to give up eating meat. But the fish and seafood, according to the beauty, the harm will not cause your waist, so that you can safely eat delicacies steamed.

The downside, mentioned above, is the abandonment of vegetable and animal fats. Of course, they are considered the main culprits pesky wrinkles on your waist. But, despite this, some of the oils, both vegetable and animal origin, it is necessary to maintain metabolism and normal functioning of the organs and systems of your body.

Therefore, this method of weight loss is still a diet, and should be limited in time. Although, if you add to the diet of a tablespoon of vegetable oil per day, it is possible to use it and for a longer time.

You will be surprised, but it's not all diets, which passed through the star. Lead them, however, does not make sense - they, like the first, is quite hard and unsafe, fit only for perfectly healthy people and can be used in a short period of time.

You can completely choose for themselves some of the softer diets above. So if Victoria Beckham is your idol, you have a chance to try to look as attractive as she is.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: born Ambassador, diet, food, train, setting, Victoria, Angelica Varum, Beckham