Diet Madeleine Cooper

 Do you want to celebrate the New Year and rejuvenated postroynevshey? Then, without postponing it indefinitely, immediately go to the amazing diet Madeleine Cooper! Due to its way of eating just a week you can easily get rid of the 3-5 extra pounds, and at the same time clean and heal your body!

Prohibited Products

-Zhivotnye And vegetable fats (butter and vegetable oil, margarine, fatty meat, fish, poultry).

- "Fast" carbohydrates, t. E., Refined sugar, pastries, cakes, ice cream, sweet pastries and so on. N.

-Sladkie Fruit (especially grapes and melon).

-Krahmalistye Vegetables (especially potatoes, corn) and cereals (especially rice, wheat, oats).

-Alkogol In any kinds of beer and sodas.

REMEMBER: All week we eat foods or boiled, or baked form (cooked in the oven or on the grill).

The technique of intensive weight loss Madeleine Cooper designed for seven days. Just keep in mind: to sit on it should be exactly one week - no more and no less, and it can not be repeated more than once a month - this scheme will allow you without compromising the health to achieve the desired weight and fix it for years to come.

Seven days you will eat for a day cabbage soup, complementing its other approved products - and believe me, you will be absolutely satisfied and happy!

Diet Basics - cabbage soup

Why the basis of their diet Madeleine Cooper put it cabbage soup? The point is well-chosen ingredients are almost completely satisfy the need of our organism in vitamins and minerals, and brown rice is one of the best natural adsorbents that bring toxins.

Furthermore, cabbage soup contains a significant amount of fiber, and hence improves digestion naturally cleanses nick-kishech reduces the risk of over-eating and virtually no calories!

Diet for a week

Monday (day of fruits)

• cabbage soup - divided into portions is during the day.
• Light fruit (apples, pears, apricots, oranges, pineapples and others.) Without restriction.
• A glass of milk (1, 5% fat).
• A quarter cup of yogurt.
• Tea or coffee without sugar - in unlimited quantities.


• cabbage soup - divided into portions is during the day.
• Fresh vegetables: carrots, cabbage, peppers, cucumbers, onions and herbs - in any quantity.
• zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes - baked or grilled - without any restrictions.
• Salad of boiled beans, broccoli, cucumbers, onions and herbs - in unlimited quantities.
• One large boiled potato.
• A glass (250 ml) of natural yoghurt.
• Tea or coffee without sugar - in unlimited quantities.

Wednesday (day of fruits and vegetables)

• cabbage soup - divided into portions is during the day.
• Light fruit (apples, pears, apricots, oranges, pineapples, etc.). - In any quantity.
• One and a half cups of mousse cucumber and mint.
• Fresh vegetables: carrots, cabbage, peppers, cucumbers, onions and herbs or boiled beans, broccoli, cucumbers, onions and herbs - in unlimited quantities.
• zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes - baked or grilled - in unlimited quantities.
• Tea or coffee without sugar - drink in unlimited quantities.

Thursday (day of bananas and milk products)

• cabbage soup - divided into portions is during the day.
• Bananas - 3-6 pcs.
• 2 liters of low-fat milk or yogurt.

Friday (day of fish and dairy products)

• cabbage soup - divided into portions is during the day.
• Fish in Italian (or boiled fish) - in unlimited quantities.
• One and a half cups of mousse cucumber and mint.
• Salad of carrot, cucumber and grated boiled beets - in any quantity.
• zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes - baked in the oven or on the grill - without any restrictions.
• Tea or coffee without sugar in unlimited quantities.

Saturday (day chicken and dairy products)

• cabbage soup - divided into portions is during the day.
• English chicken salad in unlimited quantities.
• Boiled chicken in unlimited quantities.
• Fresh vegetables: cabbage, cucumbers, bell peppers, onions and herbs or grated boiled beets, carrots and cucumbers - in any quantity.
• zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes - baked in the oven or on the grill - in unlimited quantities.
• One and a half cups of milk (1, 5-2, 5% fat) or yogurt.
• Tea or coffee without sugar - in unlimited quantities.

Sunday (day of vegetables, fruit and milk)

• cabbage soup - divided into portions is during the day.
• zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes - baked in the oven or on the grill - in unlimited quantities.
• Fruit (apples, pears, apricots, oranges, pineapples, etc.). - In any quantity.
• 1, 5 cups of milk (1, 5-2, 5%), or yogurt.
• Tea or coffee without sugar - in unlimited quantities.

Cabbage soup

• 600 grams of cabbage
• carrots average 6 pcs.
• onion 6 pcs.
• 6 green onions arrows
Pepper • 2 pcs.
• tomatoes 2 pcs.
• celery stalks 5 pcs.
• brown rice 0, 5 cups
• Salt and black pepper to taste
Wash vegetables, chop the cabbage, carrots cut into strips, peeled onion - rings, bell pepper - slices.

Celery stalks, finely chopped. Tomatoes are scalded with boiling water, remove the peel, chop.

Prepared vegetables to put in a large wide saucepan, add water (5 liters), bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes without the lid.

 Then cover and continue to cook until the vegetables are tender. In a separate pan add the washed rice, add water (1, 5 cups), bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes.

Then let stand for 30 minutes with the lid closed to soak up all the water. For a couple of minutes before you remove the vegetables from the heat, add the boiled rice, chopped green onion, salt and pepper.

Tags: tomato, carrot, eggplant, diet, Cooper